Low profile tires: what they are and how they differ. What are low profile tires? Pros and cons of high profile tires

Low profile tires: what they are and how they differ. What are low profile tires? Pros and cons of high profile tires


The vast majority of car enthusiasts will agree with the statement that low-profile tires significantly improve the exterior of almost any vehicle, giving it solidity, aggressiveness and style. It is for this reason that every year more and more drivers in the off-season prefer to “shoe” their car in fashionable summer models with a low profile.

A little history

Low-profile tires first appeared in 1937. These were 88 series tires presented by the famous Michelin brand. Despite its visual appeal, this tire was not widely used, the reason for this was both the condition of the roads and the technical characteristics of the car of that time. These factors made low profile tires unsuitable for everyday use. On the other hand, this model was highly appreciated in the racing environment.

The “wide” tire was remembered only four decades later, when Pirelli presented the P6 and P7 tires, which later became legendary. Having appeared on the roads in 1977, these models aroused enormous interest among motorists, which only increased every year. This fact is confirmed by the fact that today such tires are in the lineup of every serious tire manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to existing standards, low-profile tires are tires whose profile height to tire width ratio does not exceed 60 percent. For example, if the side surface of the tire is marked 210/70 R18 95 V, this means that the model has:

  1. The tread width is 210 millimeters.
  2. The bore diameter is 18 inches.
  3. Radial cord arrangement – ​​R.
  4. The ratio of the profile height to its width is 70%.

If we compare the models under consideration with standard analogues, we will notice that the former are distinguished by a noticeably larger ratio of tire width to height.

So, besides their stylish appearance, what makes low profile tires so attractive? Let us remember that low-profile tires are focused primarily on speed and they appeared precisely when this characteristic of transport began to increase. It is not difficult to explain this fact. High-speed cars need more effective brakes, and low-profile models, compared to standard ones, have a larger tread width, providing better grip and a larger contact patch. Increasing this parameter while maintaining the proportions of a regular tire would provoke an incorrect perception of the weight of the car.

Thus, tire makers only increased the tread width, creating a low-profile tire, which, compared to traditional models, has both pros and cons.

So, the undeniable advantages of low-profile tires include:

  • Reducing braking distance.
  • Increased grip on the road surface.
  • Quick set of speed.
  • Improved vehicle handling.

As for the shortcomings, they are obvious. Low profile tires:

  • It makes more noise.
  • Less resistant to.
  • Creates greater recoil on the suspension.
  • Absorbs bumps worse.
  • Less comfortable.

Low profile tire pressure

Owners of cars shod with low-profile tires need to carefully monitor. Due to the design features of such tires, low air pressure in the chamber can cause distortion of the sidewalls, which leads to more intensive wear of the rubber. Therefore, experts advise regularly checking and maintaining the pressure at the level recommended by the tire manufacturer for maximum load and speed (usually the V or H index). We also note that this parameter is checked exclusively when the rubber is cold.

Among other things, it is necessary to remember that tires with a low profile “remember” their position when parked. In other words, after the car stops, the contact patch of the tire flattens and then hardens, maintaining flat areas of the tread after resuming movement. As a result, the first few kilometers of the journey may be uncomfortable until the tires warm up and take the correct shape. In situations where the car has been parked for quite a long time, or the tires were not stored correctly during the off-season, before using low-profile tires in its chambers, the pressure should be increased to the level indicated above.

One of the fashion trends recently has been attention to low-profile tires. This is especially evident during the sale of summer tires. About, how to treat a low profile tire What operational features it has will be described below.

What are low profile tires?

In the modern world, a low-profile tire is considered to have a profile height (tire height) to width ratio of 55% or lower. Thus, low-profile tires include, for example, the following sizes:

Taking into account current trends in the development of tire sizes and the emergence of new cars, we can say that the 55-series as the border between a standard profile and a low profile will no longer be considered such in the near future. In reality, this has already happened and among those who are deliberately looking for a tire with a narrow sidewall, the size 205/55 R16 is not considered low profile. And if we look at history, then at the dawn of the appearance of low-profile tires, the parameter separating them from standard tires was generally 70%! And, for example, size 195/70 R14 was already considered low profile.

Low-profile tires were first produced by Michelin in 1937. However, the condition of the roads and the equipment of mass-produced cars did not allow such tires to be widely used and they were installed exclusively on racing cars.

The lack of necessary shock absorption can lead to more tragic consequences than loss of comfort, since, for example, the load on the car’s suspension increases. It is also worth remembering that the transition to low-profile tires is always accompanied by an increase in the mounting diameter of the rims, which means that a purchase is necessary. In addition, low-profile tires themselves tend to be more expensive.

How to choose?

Choose low profile tires costs in accordance with the car manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, a car manufacturer offers 3 - 4 sizes for each model, among which there will be low-profile ones. Below is an example of choosing a tire for a Ford Focus:

Tire profile

MICHELIN tire model


A traditional attribute of any charged car is low-profile tires. And the lower the profile height, the more aggressive the car looks. However, when choosing tires, you cannot limit yourself solely to their appearance; traffic safety and the accuracy of vehicle control largely depend on their characteristics. Let's try to figure out what the pros and cons of low-profile tires are, in which situations you can use them, and in which it is better to abstain.

What does low profile tires look like?

The entire variety of passenger car tires is divided into several classes depending on the parameters. In particular, according to the profile height, tires are divided into:

  • standard (Standard marking);
  • low profile (Performance marking);
  • sports (High-Performance marking).

Thus, we can conclude that low-profile tires are something of a semi-sports option, a transitional stage from regular tires to those specifically designed for motorsport. The main differences between this type of rubber are not only the smaller profile height, but also the larger width. This feature is reflected in the numerical marking of the wheel size: in the standard type designation 235/55, the second number indicates the profile height. All models with a height of less than 55 are considered low profile.

Another characteristic difference between tires with a low profile is a higher maximum speed index. If for most conventional wheels it is limited to 190 km/h, then for models with a low profile height it can be 210, 240 km/h, and even higher.

Pros of low profile tires

Most of the key advantages of low-profile tires are reflected above, but we will dwell on them in more detail.

Regular and low profile tires.

First of all, a low sidewall height means increased tire stiffness. In other words, under lateral loads arising during maneuvering, it practically does not deform. Because of this, in turn, the possibility of lateral slip is almost completely eliminated - accordingly, the car corners sharper and responds more accurately to steering turns. On such wheels you can confidently take turns at speeds of up to 75 km/h, without the risk of the car drifting to the side.

The next important point is the increased tire width. Low-profile tires have a much larger contact area with the asphalt, so the efficiency of road traction increases, and this improves the acceleration and braking of the car.

Also, as noted above, low-profile tires are capable of reaching high speeds without compromising their design, while maintaining control accuracy and quick response to driver actions.

Drivers also note a slight reduction in fuel consumption when driving on a low profile. Thanks to their more rigid design, they bend to a lesser extent, so the car coasts well on them under the influence of inertial forces. On average, fuel savings will be about 4-5%.

The advantage of such tires, of course, is that it gives the car a dynamic, aggressive look.

Disadvantages of low profile tires

However, not everything is so perfect; low-profile tires also have many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the damage to the suspension that occurs when installing low-profile tires on a regular car. Due to their low lateral height, they are more rigid and absorb impacts, driving over potholes and bumps on the road surface to a lesser extent. Accordingly, silent blocks, shock absorbers, ball joints, and steering racks receive serious shock loads for which their design is not designed.

Also, due to increased rigidity, the level of comfort of movement will seriously decrease. The driver and passengers will feel all the irregularities, the car will shake noticeably even when driving on a relatively flat road.

Low-profile tires, unlike standard ones, are more sensitive to various kinds of holes. If you drive through a pothole carelessly, you can puncture the tire, damaging its cord. In many cases, it is impossible to repair such damage, so you will have to buy a new tire.

Experience has shown that wheels with a low profile are less protected from hydroplaning. Consequently, driving in the rain becomes more difficult and risky.

Another undoubted disadvantage is the high noise level. If the car does not have good sound insulation, then driving in it will simply be uncomfortable.

The last significant disadvantage of low-profile tires is their high cost.

Modern car tires are high-tech and strictly separated by purpose. The sidewall of the wheel contains a lot of useful information that not every user can decipher. For example, the inscriptions “standart”, “performance” and “high performance” are not clear to everyone. However, it is these designations that determine the direct purpose of the tires.

Standard tires are used for urban conditions. Most often these are tires for compact cars. But the next two designations refer to low-profile tires. These are tires that are used for high-speed driving.

What tires are considered low profile?

The tire profile is indicated by the second digit in the size name. For example, 235/45/17 tires have a 45 profile. In this case, the number 45 indicates the percentage ratio of the profile width to its height. Therefore, it is unfair to say that the tires are 45mm high. All profiles starting from 50 are considered low.

Low profile tires are used on sports cars. The development of the automotive industry has led to the emergence of faster and more powerful cars. Such machines require better dynamic characteristics, including streamlining, reduced air resistance and improved braking.

A low car has an advantage over a tall car due to reduced drag. But to ensure safety at high speeds, special brakes are required. For sports cars, a larger brake disc was needed. The suspension design limits the size of the brake disc to the wheel rim. Therefore, the tire diameter has become larger. To maintain and improve traction properties, wider tires were required. This is how low-profile tires were born.

Advantages of low profile tires

Like any type of tire, low-profile tires have their pros and cons. The advantages of this type of tire include an increased speed index. The minimum speed limit for low-profile tires is 210 km/h. Along with excellent speed characteristics, low profile tires provide:

  • improved grip
  • increased maneuverability
  • cornering stability
  • confident braking
  • reduced rolling resistance
  • increased directional stability

All these properties are guaranteed not only by the low profile, but also by the special tread pattern and soft rubber frame. As a rule, high-speed tires have a directional pattern and a reinforced bead to resist damage.

Disadvantages of low profile tires

Unlike high-profile tires, sports tires cannot boast of a long service life. Low profile tires have a shorter service life. In addition, the driver sacrifices comfort, making a choice in favor of speed.

“Thin” tires react more sensitively to road irregularities, even the smallest ones. The car owner will be able to literally feel all the stones on the pavement, holes and potholes on Russian highways. The noise level of low-profile tires is also higher. Due to the enlarged contact patch and directional tread pattern, tire noise increases significantly.

But the main disadvantage of low-profile tires is their detrimental effect on the suspension. Parts of the car's chassis suffer from rough driving. So, a reduced service life is provided not only to car tires, but also to many suspension elements.

Wide, low-profile tires are heavier than standard tires. Therefore, drivers of cars without power steering will find it more difficult to turn the steering wheel. In some cases, tire weight increases fuel consumption.

Low profile tires have a narrow specialization. It is not recommended to use such tires on standard city cars. In any case, the choice of tires should be based on the predicted operating conditions.

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Low profile tires - consider the pros and cons in this article. If, when “re-shoeing”, a company is usually chosen based on finances, then the choice of “profile” will be a little more complicated.

It's no secret that automobiles have a large number of indices and classifications based on various parameters. We learn about the profile from inscriptions such as:

  • standart (standard);
  • performance (low profile);
  • or high performance (sports - even lower profile).

If you compare standard and low-profile tires, the differences will be that the low-profile tire has a smaller profile height and a larger width, which naturally gives a larger size. For example, index 45 in a 235/45 R17 tire is the ratio of the profile height to its width. This is usually called a series.

Low-profile tires are usually called tires with a series below 55.

Low-profile tires have a high speed index H (210 kilometers per hour) or V (240 kilometers per hour). On sports tires it is even greater - W, Z, Y (more than 240 kilometers per hour).

On standard tires it is noticeably smaller (with a speed index T - up to 185 kilometers per hour) and their purpose is for cars. The advantages of these tires are their special endurance and rigid frame, and hence durability.

The emergence of low-profile tires is due to the fact that new cars develop high speeds. Naturally, such a car needs good grip and good brakes. The size of the brake disc is limited by the size of the rim.

But it is impossible to increase the diameter of the rim without changing the outer diameter of the tire - there will be a lack of air. And by reducing the profile, the width of the tire increases, and therefore the size of contact with the surface increases.

This tire is intended only for high-speed cars. Even the tread pattern on these tires resembles a sports one. Little sway, stronger resistance to lateral slip, excellent car handling - these are the advantages of low-profile tires. Naturally, they perform much better when braking.

Quite serious positive qualities.

The most important thing is the short service life. And on our roads, unfortunately, it is even shorter.

The second is a deterioration in comfort. Regardless of the composition of the rubber, you will feel the imperfections of the road many times more strongly, and this does not have a very good effect on the chassis. In pits, depreciation is much worse.

Another big disadvantage of a low profile is noise quality. Due to the high grip on the road, your ride becomes much noisier, which is not always pleasant. And if your car doesn’t yet have power steering, then you’ll have to work hard to make a sharp turn.

Therefore, when choosing, just consider how your car will be used. In our country, especially in the spring, the quality of the road surface not only leaves no room for improvement, but simply cannot be criticized.

  • If you often drive intercity highways or the car is used intensively, choose a high profile. Still, quality, comfort and your chassis are more important than speed and spectacular external qualities.
  • If you still choose low-profile tires, be careful, because it is easy to puncture or split the disc in a hole. And if you find yourself far from the city, few people will undertake to repair a wheel.
  • But if you have a sports car, you drive on the highway or along central city streets, it makes sense to think about a low profile. Combined with light alloy ones, it will look simply chic.


Therefore, it is better to look at the instructions for your car; almost always the manufacturer will leave you an article about which tires are best to use in a given situation.

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