Signatures on bank cards of legal entities. Bank card

Signatures on bank cards of legal entities. Bank card

The preparation of a card with sample signatures and a seal imprint in the vast majority of cases occurs when an organization opens a bank account. The card can be filled out by any enterprise, regardless of their organizational and legal status and form of ownership.


What is the card for?

Role of the card is quite simple and understandable: it is created so that bank employees have a clear idea of ​​what the original signature of the current account owner or his representative should look like, as well as the seal of the company.

Banks are organizations that work with clients’ financial resources and it is very important for them to take all possible precautions when accepting, issuing or transferring them.

That is why special requirements are imposed on the signature and seal: they must exactly match those indicated on the card with samples of signatures and seal impressions, and be clear and legible.

Otherwise, the credit institution specialist will ask the client to sign or stamp the form again, and if the signature again does not perfectly match the one indicated on the card, he may refuse to provide the requested service.

Is it necessary to put a seal stamp?

The use of seals and stamps was previously a mandatory condition for the work of legal entities in the Russian Federation. With the help of stamps, enterprises and organizations were required to endorse all their main documents, including those submitted to various government agencies and banking institutions.

As for individual entrepreneurs, they always had the right to choose whether to use seals and stamps in their work or refuse them. If a decision was made in favor, the seal had to be registered in a certain order.

To date, the provisions of the law regarding individual entrepreneurs have not changed much.

And since 2016, legal entities (i.e. enterprises and organizations with the status of LLC, OJSC, CJSC) have been exempted by law from the requirement to use various stamps and cliches in their work.

In other words, the obligation to use them arises only in cases where this is stipulated in the internal regulations of the company.

Do I need to fill out a card for each open current account?

If an organization opens several current accounts in one banking institution, it may limit itself to filling out one card (provided that the same persons will have access to the accounts). If current accounts are opened in different banks, then, of course, in each case you will have to fill out a separate card.

Who fills out the document

The document consists of three parts.

  • The first is filled out by the director of the organization or its representative, specifically authorized by a power of attorney,
  • the second is an employee of a notary office,
  • the third is a bank specialist.

Unified or free form

To date, there is no single, mandatory sample card.

Banks, as well as other organizations that use the card in their activities, can use templates developed within the institution or use form No. 0401026. The form is convenient because it contains all the necessary points and parameters; you don’t need to rack your brains about creating your own form.

However, if the bank considers it insufficiently informative (for example, it requires a TIN, KPP, OKPO, OKVED codes, etc.), it can take the path of creating a card independently.

Design rules

The card can be filled out on a computer (if the bank is ready to provide it in electronic format) or by hand with a blue, purple or black ballpoint pen (but in no case with a pencil).

The signature must only be original; the use of a facsimile signature (i.e. printed in any way) is strictly prohibited. Also, blots, inaccuracies and any corrections are unacceptable.

If a mistake was made when filling out the card, the damaged form should be destroyed and a new one filled out.
Each bank sets the number of required copies of the card at its own discretion.

An important condition: either a bank representative or a notary must be present when signing.

Filling sample: front side

On the first page cards:

  1. In the “Account Owner” field, you should write the full name of the company (with a deciphered organizational and legal status) or the surname, first name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur opening the current account with the bank (this data must fully correspond to the constituent papers of the company).
  2. Next, indicate the address (location of the enterprise or place of residence of the individual entrepreneur), as well as the current telephone number for contact.
  3. Then write the name of the banking institution.

There is no need to write anything on the right side - the bank specialist will put his marks here.

Filling sample: reverse side

On the second page cards:

  1. First you need to indicate the abbreviated name of the company or, again, the full name of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the bank account number.
  2. Then, in the selected table, in the appropriate lines, representatives of the organization put handwritten signatures opposite their full names, and on the right, if necessary, the term of their powers is indicated.
  3. Below you should put a seal impression (if the individual entrepreneur or organization uses it).
  4. After this, the date of completion and the signature of the client (i.e. individual entrepreneur, owner of the company or his representative) are entered.
  5. Below is a space reserved for the notary's resolution on the authenticity of the submitted signatures (to be completed at the request of the bank, for example, in cases where the form was not filled out in the presence of a banking specialist).

Then the card with samples of signatures and seal imprints is the main document that will have to be drawn up. What it serves for, what are the requirements for it - you will find out from the article.

What is the card for?

There is a standard form for the document 0401026. It is approved by banking instruction No. 153-I. However, it is permissible to use the form established by the internal rules of a particular bank.

Why do you need a card with sample signatures and seal impressions? To obtain a current account:

  • for current transactions for an individual;
  • for the needs of individual entrepreneurs;
  • for the needs of a legal entity;
  • to open a deposit.

Courts, bailiff units, notaries, law enforcement agencies - all these organizations also need current accounts to operate. Therefore, you will need a card with sample signatures and seal impressions.

Forms produced by a printing house, as well as those printed independently on a printer, are acceptable for use. The card is issued to the client at the bank or can be obtained independently (for example, downloaded from the Internet from the website of a financial institution).

Special cases

A card with sample signatures and seal impressions is provided to the bank not only when opening a current account. There are a number of other cases:

  • replacing one of the signatures;
  • seal replacement;
  • loss of seal;
  • changes made to full name the person recorded on the card;
  • changes in the name of the organization;
  • changes in the organizational and legal form of the organization;
  • suspension of powers of a management body;
  • termination of powers of the management body.

A sample signature and seal on the card is necessary so that the bank employee has the opportunity to reconcile with the details specified in the payment document. If discrepancies are identified, the bank will not accept the document. Movements on the current account will not be possible.

Card with sample signatures and seal impressions: example of filling

Let's consider all the fields of the document sequentially. The “Account Owner” field must be filled out in strict accordance with the company’s constituent documents. If an account is opened for a branch or separate division, then the name must be indicated separated by a comma after the main name.

If the client is an individual, then the full name is entered. and date of birth. If the client is an individual entrepreneur, then after indicating his full name. and the date of birth must be written: “individual entrepreneur”. If we are talking about a person employed in private practice, then after the full name. and date of birth, you must enter your occupation (for example, lawyer).

Field "Location". The organization enters its legal address here, individuals and individual entrepreneurs indicate the place of registration in accordance with their passport.

In the “Phone number” field, you can specify several numbers to contact representatives of the organization.

The “Bank” field must contain the full name of the financial institution in which the current account is opened.

The “Bank mark” field is filled in by authorized employees of the credit institution; the client does not have to write anything down here.

Let's move on to designing the reverse side. Field "Abbreviated name". It is indicated only if it exists. Otherwise, the full name is repeated. Individuals here duplicate the information that was entered in the “Account Owner” field.

The line “Account number” is also filled in by a bank employee after the current account is opened.

In the “Name” field enter persons who are authorized to sign documents. It could be one person, it could be more.

You must sign in the “Sample Signature” field. Signatures on bank documents will be compared with this sample in the future, so it must be one that you can easily repeat in the future, otherwise difficulties will arise.

The “Term of office” field is not filled in in all cases; you must follow the instructions of the bank employee.

“Date of completion” item. You need to enter the date when the card with sample signatures and seal impressions was issued.

Field “Client signature” - the document is certified by the personal signature of the account owner.

"Print sample". You need to put a stamp in this place. The print must be perfectly clear and neat.

To do this, the print must be well saturated with ink, but not leave blots. It is better to practice on a separate sheet of paper. After making sure that everything is fine, put a stamp in the field without violating its boundaries. If fragments of the stamp are poorly visible on the print, the card will have to be reissued.

It is better to have a ready-made card with samples of signatures and seal imprints in front of your eyes. An example will help you understand how to fill it out correctly and accurately.

Despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in filling out the document, it is better to do it at the bank under the guidance of a specialist, and not on your own. Banks are very attentive to every detail, even too strict. Filling out the card yourself may result in the need to redo the work several times.

What to do if an organization operates without a seal?

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to work without a seal, unlike legal entities. Individuals who open deposits and accounts for personal needs also do not have a seal. But the document is called “a card with samples of signatures and seal impressions.” What should I do?

It's simple. The instructions for filling out indicate that individual clients have the right not to fill out this field. If an individual entrepreneur has a seal, then its imprint must be affixed to the card.

How to confirm the authority of persons

The card with sample signatures and seal impressions (form 0401026) must be filled out by an authorized person.

What documents are required for confirmation?

Everyone is required to provide a passport. Individual entrepreneurs also provide registration certificates, legal entities - a set of statutory documents.

In some cases, notarization of the signature of the responsible person may be required.

If we are talking about a foreign organization, then a notarized translation of documents into Russian will be required.

Where is the card stored?

The document is filled out in one copy and stored in the bank. A card with sample signatures and seal imprints is a sample with which credit institution employees will check each payment document received for execution by the bank.
Card with sample signatures and seal impressions

A bank card with sample signatures is one of the mandatory documents required by the bank together with the opening of a bank account or deposit account. In essence, it is a paper containing samples of signatures either of officials of a certain legal entity, or the signature of an individual entrepreneur. The general procedure, as well as the conditions for the registration and use by clients of such a bank card with signatures, are set out in detail in the special Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Procedure, conditions for registration and use of bank cards by clients

This document is drawn up to conduct financial transactions with assets that are placed in the accounts of both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. To issue a card, use the prescribed form. Fill it out according to the model, again provided for by the Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is important when preparing this document to strictly follow the rules established by the Central Bank for filling out the fields. You can view a sample form, the approved form of this document with sample signatures, on our resource in the “Samples of Documents” subsection.

Card with sample signatures and seal impressions- a document of the established form provided to the bank by a legal (or other) entity along with other documents necessary to open a bank account. This document contains: original handwritten signatures of managers with the right of first and second signature; sample seal of a legal entity.

A bank card with sample signatures and a seal imprint is one of the mandatory documents required when opening a bank account. Regulated by: Instruction of the Central Bank of September 14, 2006 No. 28-I “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts” (as amended on May 14, 2008, November 25, 2009); Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 1297-U “On the procedure for preparing a Card with specimen signatures and seal imprints” (as amended on March 25, 2004).

A bank card is issued using Form No. 0401026, established by Appendix 1 to the Instructions, and is presented by the client to the bank in cases provided for in the Instructions, along with other documents necessary for opening a bank account or deposit account.

The card is filled out using a writing or electronic computer in black font or with a pen with black, blue or purple paste (ink). The use of a facsimile signature to fill out the fields of the card is not allowed.

Sample signatures on the card must be made by the responsible persons themselves.

Card forms are produced by clients and the bank independently. The form of the bank card must strictly comply with the approved form. The bank will not accept a card with a different number or arrangement of fields. An arbitrary number of lines is allowed in the fields “Account owner”, “Cash checks issued”, “Other notes”, “Last name, first name, patronymic” and “Signature sample”, taking into account the number of persons vested with the rights of the first or second signature, as well as in the field “Bank account number” in the case provided for in clause 7.3 of the Instructions.

When making a card, it is allowed to indicate interlinearly the translation of the fields of the card in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as in foreign languages.

The “Sample of seal imprint” field must provide for the possibility of affixing a seal imprint with a diameter of at least 45 mm, without going beyond the boundaries of this field.

The number of cards presented to the bank varies. Some banks ask for one copy of the card, and then make the required number of copies themselves. Others require the client to provide the required number of original cards

The right of first signature may belong to the head of the organization or another authorized person, in accordance with the administrative act (power of attorney) of the head.

The right of the second signature may be granted to the chief accountant or another (third) person authorized to maintain accounting records in the organization, on the basis of an administrative act of the head of the legal entity. Situations are also possible when several employees of an organization can be granted the right of first and second signature at the same time. The head and chief accountant of the organization are not necessarily included in the list of these persons; for example, the founders of the organization may reserve this right for themselves.

The card can only indicate persons who have the right of first signature (for example, if the head of the organization keeps accounting records himself). In this case, in the “Second signature” field, you must indicate that the right of the second signature does not belong to anyone.

Signatures are placed in the presence of a person who will certify their authenticity. This may be a notary (he will need to submit the same set of documents as to open a bank account) or an authorized person of the bank.

The bank employee certifying the client’s signatures fully indicates his position, surname and initials, surname and initials of the person (persons) whose signatures are made in his presence, indicates the date (in numbers) and affixes a handwritten signature with the seal (stamp) of the bank attached, specified for these purposes by an administrative act of the bank.

The card is valid until the bank account agreement is terminated, the deposit account is closed, or until it is replaced with a new card.

Submission of a new card to the bank must be accompanied by the simultaneous submission of documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated on the card to dispose of funds in the bank account, as well as documents identifying the person (persons) vested with the right of first or second signature.

Sample card with sample signatures and seal imprint

The bank does not have the right to accept a new card without submitting the specified documents, except in cases where the specified documents were submitted to the bank earlier and the bank already has them.

asset passive deposit card

What's happened card with samples of signatures and seals? This is a document that records the signatures of all company managers and the imprint of the main seal. This card is issued when an organization opens a current account in one of the banks. The form of this document is common to all types of companies and organizations.

It is important to know the algorithm for correctly filling out this document.

  • We remind you that the form for filling out information on the card is the same for everyone, so the only possible changes in it are changes in the number of lines for basic information about the organization, the full names of the indicated managers and in the line where the account number is indicated.
  • You can enter data into the card by hand, using blue or black ink, or you can type the text on a computer.

Card with samples of signatures and seals

  • Different banks require different numbers of copies of this document. Detailed information can be obtained from the specific bank with which the organization intends to cooperate.
  • The “first signature” and “second signature” fields must be signed by the heads of the organization.
  • The first signature can be put by the head of the company or organization or a person who has a power of attorney as his representative.

Download a sample for reference at the end of the article.

  • The second signature is placed by the employee who is responsible for accounting in the organization (chief accountant). This right can also be transferred by proxy. If there is no one in the organization who has such a right, then this information is recorded in the card.
  • The signature on the document must be entered manually.
  • To sign the card, the presence of a bank employee or notary is required. Their certifying signature must be entered in the space provided.

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