Normal hour for car repairs. Free online program of standard hours for car services, standard hour per hundred

Normal hour for car repairs. Free online program of standard hours for car services, standard hour per hundred


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Multiplied by the time spent on the manufacture of any product by the combined efforts of these workers. It will not be equal to the actual hours spent, which could serve as a standard. This is due to the fact that during the production process, every minute was not used with an equal degree of intensity.

Please note that part of the time was used for rest breaks. Suppose you calculate standard hours for a production unit that employs 10 people during 1 working week with a total duration of 40 hours. During the day they take two rest breaks of 10 minutes each. Thus, the total time that 10 workers spent on breaks during a five-day workweek would be:
(10 min * 2 * 5 days) * 10 people = 1000 minutes or 16.7 hours.
Therefore, taking into account the time spent on the break, the total time for manufacturing the product was:
10 * 40 hours – 16.7 = 383 hours.

To make your calculations more accurate, you should take days and absenteeism into account. This indicator may fluctuate depending on the time of year and holidays falling during different periods. As practice shows, the annual average is 4%. Refine the calculated values ​​taking into account this parameter, the number of man-hours spent will be equal to:
383 – (383 * 0.04) = 367.7 man-hours.

This indicator is also theoretical and needs clarification, since it also varies during one working day. Workers need time at the beginning of the day to prepare for work, and at the end of the day to get ready to go home. In addition, part of the time may be lost due to the lack of necessary materials or tool breakdown. Such losses usually do not account for more than 7% of working time. Taking this into account, the potential number of man-hours will be equal to:
367.7 - (0.07 * 367.7) = 367.7 - 27.7 = 342 man-hours practically available.

Now calculate the standard hours. If the labor efficiency of this working group does not exceed the norm and is equal to 100%, then the number of standard hours will be equal to 342, if the labor efficiency in this group is higher and equal to 110%, then you will have 342 * 1.10 = 376.2 standard hours at your disposal -hour.

From these calculations you can see that if this group is assigned a work order with an estimated completion time of 400 hours, then the workers will not have time to complete it in a week. Take this into account and solve the problem by increasing the number of workers or transferring part of the order to another department.


  • How to calculate standard hour

The efficiency of each enterprise depends on planning. If you need to draw up a plan for product production or service, you need to know what a standard hour is. This is a temporary standard that reflects the labor intensity of a particular production operation. It is also worth noting that it directly affects the cost of products and services provided. You can calculate the standard hour yourself.


To calculate the gross number of working hours, multiply the number of workers employed at the enterprise by the time spent on the production of the product in question by their total efforts. It is unlikely that it will be equal to the actual hours spent, which could be the standard. This is explained by the fact that each working time in the production process is used with varying degrees of intensity.

Don't forget about breaks for lunch and rest. Let's say the company employs 10 workers. The total working time per week is 40 hours. They take two ten-minute breaks a day. The total time spent by 10 workers on breaks: (10 minutes * 2 * 5 working days) * 10 workers = 1000 minutes, which in hours will be equal to 16.7.

For more accurate measurements, take into account absenteeism and days of temporary disability of workers. It all depends on the number of holidays that fall at a particular time of the year, and not only on this. If we take the average value of this indicator for the year, it is equal to 4%. Now recalculate standard hours taking into account this indicator: 383 – (0.04 * 383) = 367.7 man-hours.

In order for you not to constantly visit the site and not to track what time standards have become available, a mechanism for searching for updates is provided for you. Using it, you can automatically receive messages about when and what specific regulatory frameworks are posted on the site. Managing the regulatory framework| Managing (downloading) the regulatory framework|https://212709.selcdn. ru/autodealer-site/public/old/images/soft/autodealer/rtimes/times/3.png Regulatory framework management| /rtimes/times/5.png Statistics When working with large databases, there was always an interest in how many total records, in our case standards, were loaded into the database.

Autonorms online

A simple or complex malfunction, the consequences of an accident, and even scheduled maintenance - all this brings the car owner to the service center. In this case, you have to leave the car and use public transport for the entire repair period.
In many cases this is extremely inconvenient. Without a vehicle it is difficult not only for a business person. How, for example, to go to the market, take children to school or section? What if a car is a working tool? Then the situation becomes almost hopeless.


That is why every car owner is so interested in the standard time standards for repairing trucks and cars. Knowing them, he will be able to adjust his plans so that the absence of a car does not cause losses.

What do the standards provide? Standardization of time for repair and maintenance work on vehicles allows equipment owners to decide on plans.

Time standards for car repairs (autonorms)


But in reality: the key does not fit, the nut is stuck, the fuel oil has spread, it needs to be wiped off (and so on) - all this time, but the automaker does not take it into account. But you need to start from something, so the standard hour is an approximate value.


And its cost depends on three factors:

  • Car brands: the average cost of a standard hour for Daewoo is $20, and for Bugatti — $240, plus the price under the insurance contract.

About the service 40 brands, 3,000 models, 600,000 standards - this is the material that is available on our portal to everyone at any time of the day. An easy and understandable interface plus structured standards make working with the service convenient and productive.

New Year's discounts!!!

For example, for a service center specializing in servicing a certain brand of cars, the standards established by the manufacturer of this brand will apply. But if, to carry out the same work, you contact a familiar car mechanic or a small workshop that does not have the appropriate diagnostic and even repair (for example, not all workshops have cameras for painting work) equipment, you can forget about standard hours.

Sometimes car service workers claim that it is impossible to apply the standards to a very old car, and in general, working in a car repair shop and what is “written at the factory” are two big differences. But you can safely ignore such excuses.

Time standards for car repairs and maintenance

In order to repeat the standard, it is necessary to create conditions corresponding to the “experiment”: lay out a special tool, draw up a work plan, start the stopwatch and “let’s go!” But in reality: the key does not fit, the nut is stuck, the fuel oil has spread, it needs to be wiped off (and so on) - all this time, but the automaker does not take it into account.

But you need to start from something, so the standard hour is an approximate value. And its cost depends on three factors:

  • The type of work (plumbing and mechanical, electrical installation, fittings, repair of units, painting) - here it’s whatever your heart desires, and also how highly paid the specialist is.
  • Car brands: so the average cost per hour for Daewoo is 650.00 rubles, and for Bugatti - 7700.00 rubles.

Where can I find standard hours for vehicle repairs?

Standards for trucks In order to find out the standards for repair and restoration work on domestically produced trucks, it is recommended to look at the Interindustry consolidated time standards for vehicle repairs. This regulatory document can be easily found. It regulates:

  • Standard time for repairing KAMAZ vehicles.
  • Standard time for repairing KRAZ vehicles.
  • Standard time for repairing a MAZ vehicle.
  • Standard time for repairing ZIL vehicles.
  • Time standards for repairing GAZ vehicles.

You need to know that all these standards are intended to perform work in a professional workshop, with professional equipment and materials, as well as professional workers.

Free online program of standard hours for car services, standard hour per hundred

Then contacting them will be faster and easier. Choosing a make and model of a car| Calculation (work cost analysis) Calculation is a document that contains information on the totality of work, goods and related products, and performs the function of a preliminary estimate of the cost of repairs. This is an intermediate document necessary for a general assessment of the scope of work and its cost, depending on the cost of spare parts (goods) and labor costs (work).
In the future, based on the calculations, you can create work orders (available only with an open license of the "AutoDealer: Service" module). If you do not have a warehouse, and the cost of spare parts must be taken into account in the calculation, then you can add related products (for related products of the warehouse no accounting is performed).

Standard hours for car repairs online

    Makes and models

  • Calculation (work cost analysis)
  • Standard hour cost
  • Standards
  • General work
  • Work packages
  • Related products
  • Audatex
  • Export and import
  • AutoData Time Standards

Brands and models For user convenience, all models are grouped by brand. You can configure the list view that is most convenient for you (scale, visibility of individual panels, location of fields).

The program may contain several standards for the same model, differing in the catalog release date, i.e. relevance. There is also brief information about each model and a regulatory document indicating its relevance. If you have “favorite standards”, that is, those brands and models that you use regularly, then in the “AutoDealer” system it is possible to add these brands and models to the list "Favorites".

Time standards for car repairs online

  • The service station's share of the cost of the master's work.

About the service “AUTONORMS online” 40 brands, 3000 models, 600,000 standards - this is the material that is available on our portal to everyone at any time of the day. An easy and understandable interface plus structured standards make working with the service convenient and productive. Editing positions (standards) When you click on the standard link in the top table, the standard appears in the table of selected positions with the time standard value declared by the car manufacturer. But sometimes it is necessary to edit the name, quantity, time, cost. We have provided for this need and added an editing function by double-clicking on an entry in the table of selected standards, where all fields are available for change. Editing additional

Time standards for car repairs online

For convenient and productive work with the service, you need to specify two values:

  • Cost n/h (standard hour): used to indicate the default cost when adding a standard. Those standards that were added before setting the cost will be corrected automatically after adding it.
  • Organization name - this information is displayed when printed.

Calculation of the cost of repairs To calculate the cost of repairs, you must indicate the cost of a standard hour. The cost of work is calculated in terms of standards and summed up into the final amount. Who benefits from the AUTONORMS online service? In creating the Autonorms-Online service, we focused on two categories of users, but we will be very happy if the audience of the service is wider.

So it is much easier to turn to Internet services, where such collections are available, you can download them for free, and a special Internet program with which you can calculate the required standard hour. Which method is better? Experts say that an Internet program that online determines the required time standards for car repairs is much more convenient than the manufacturer’s collection.

With its help, the cost of any necessary work is determined: repair, maintenance, restoration. This program not only allows you to find out the required time, its database contains all the data on the spare parts produced by the manufacturer for a particular vehicle model, which is important not only for repairs or maintenance at a service center, but also for repairs on your own.

In the event of a serious malfunction of the vehicle, the motorist is forced to take the car to a service center for repairs. In a modern city, it is quite difficult for a business person to do without a vehicle. When a malfunction occurs, every car enthusiast is interested in the duration of repair and maintenance of the vehicle. It is for this purpose that certain standards for car restoration and maintenance have been developed, which include the concept of standard hours. The standard hour allows you to determine not only the recovery period of the vehicle, but also the cost of eliminating the malfunction. Therefore, before you take your favorite car to the service center for servicing, you should familiarize yourself with the time standards for reconstruction. In this regard, the question arises - how to determine the standard hour for car repairs?

Since the standard hours for repairs differ depending on the manufacturer and brand of the vehicle, a special collection of standard hours for maintenance has been created. Like any other standard indicator, the standard hour allows you to control the duration of work. Knowing the time standards for vehicle maintenance and restoration, the car enthusiast also gets the opportunity to sensibly assess the cost of car restoration.

How to determine the rate for maintenance and reconstruction of a machine?

The list of maintenance work and time standards for their implementation are developed by the vehicle manufacturer. The manufacturer also determines the cost of standard hours for its vehicles. Each car manufacturer provides all the necessary information about servicing only its products.

At the same time, not everyone can get free access to the standards provided by the manufacturer for the reconstruction and maintenance of vehicles. Car manufacturers distribute information about repair time standards only to their official representatives. In this regard, the question arises - how can a vehicle owner find out the standard hour for car repairs and its cost?

Of course, service centers are reluctant to provide information about standards for performing certain work. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the repair period and sensibly assess its cost, there is a need to access the database of standards.

One of the options to find out the standard hours for maintenance is to download a collection of standard hours for car repairs. Today, every user can find a document containing information about the period and cost of certain work to restore a car. However, this method has its own characteristic disadvantages. The fact is that the document contains a large amount of information and finding a specific car model is quite difficult.

A more practical method is the Internet program for standard hours for car restoration and maintenance - online. In addition to the basic set of temporary values ​​for car servicing, this program has a number of additional features. The program determines the cost of carrying out work in a professional workshop and also determines the volume of work performed. The online time standard program allows you to access a database of information about hours for car repairs from various manufacturers.

Key advantages of an online service for car repairs and standard hours for maintenance.

  • The ability to make all the necessary calculations to determine the cost of vehicle maintenance, taking into account the standards specified by the manufacturer for vehicle repairs.
  • Providing all the necessary information about the reconstruction, dismantling, replacement and painting of each element of the machine.
  • The ability to gain access to standard hours and the sequence of work on car restoration specified by the car manufacturer.
  • The database contains all the standard spare parts numbers from the manufacturer. This information will be useful for carrying out high-quality restoration not only in a car workshop, but also when servicing the car with your own hands.
  • Visual demonstration of the most important systems and components of the car.
  • Possibility to download all performed calculations for further printing.
  • The program database contains most of the cars produced since 1985. Until now. In addition, the database contains information about most manufacturers from various countries. Therefore, having received the full version of the program, you can find out all the necessary information on repairing both domestic and foreign cars.

Each service center for restoration, painting and servicing of cars has this program at its disposal. Professional car repair is simply impossible without having all the information located in the database. The standard hour makes it possible to estimate the labor intensity and cost of work not only for vehicle owners, but also, first of all, for machine maintenance technicians.

Most prices for vehicle restoration are based on all standards provided by the manufacturer. A professional workshop will always complete the work according to the period specified by the manufacturer. But as practice shows, car repairs often take longer than the manufacturer indicates.

Standard hours and all standards provided by the manufacturer are useful not only to workshop employees. The program with recovery time standards also indicates the serial numbers of original and interchangeable spare parts, which will be no less useful when performing repairs yourself. Having at his disposal all the information about car maintenance provided by the manufacturer, the vehicle owner will be able to independently fix the problem using high-quality, original parts.

Of course, the standard hour specified by the manufacturer implies the use of professional diagnostic and repair equipment. Therefore, when doing work with your own hands, it will be almost impossible to comply with these standards. Thus, it turns out that if the manufacturer sets one standard hour for checking the propulsion system, in order to comply with the specified period of time, the person performing the check must have professional diagnostic equipment. If the vehicle manufacturer specifies a time period of one standard hour for engine dismantling, this implies the use of all necessary pullers and hydraulic holders.

As it becomes clear, standard hours are determined directly at the production site that produces cars. Here, the manufacturer adds serial numbers of spare parts of modern cars to the database. Since the information collected by the manufacturer goes through a considerable circle and the car enthusiast receives it last, most of the information about the latest car models remains unknown for a certain time.

Speedy repair!

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs is one of the key indicators that affects the price attractiveness of a service station for customers and the profitability of a car service center. This article reveals the objective mechanisms for setting prices for services. The information presented is intended primarily for specialists involved in service pricing issues, and is also informative for a wide range of motorists interested in this topic.

Basics of pricing for car service services

The basic mechanism for forming the cost of services in a well-organized car service center is simple: the time standard established by the applicable reference book for a specific service operation is multiplied by the approved cost per standard hour.

Time standards are set by the car manufacturer, taking into account the design features of individual car models of its own production. Such information is available to dealerships and authorized service stations directly from the automaker. The use of uniform time standards and work technology is intended to guarantee customers service in any official service according to the same standard.

It is worth noting that sometimes official dealers, in their software, systematically or their employees, when placing work orders, individually adjust the standards established by the automaker in order to thus correct obvious errors in the directory or increase their earnings.

Independent service stations are in a more difficult position: they have a much wider variety of serviced machines, the design features of which determine the difference in the duration of the same type of work. In addition, it is often simply unrealistic for independent stations without direct contact with automakers to obtain various time standards and keep their database up to date in this part. They most often determine their prices for work based on the average prevailing prices of direct competitors, or rely on their own experience accumulated earlier - they create their own directory of basic standards, which they take only as a basis, while offering clients to pay extra “after the fact”, depending on the actual duration of work on a particular vehicle. Of course, sometimes the contact staff of such service stations use the opportunity to “cheat” to their advantage when they realize that they are interacting with a not very knowledgeable car enthusiast. Official dealer stations and authorized services are more predictable in this regard, because they are bound by obligations to the automaker to apply uniform time standards. “Tricks” can also be found in their work, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

Differentiation of the cost of standard hours for car repairs

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs is approved by the head of the company or the service director. It is extremely rare that one value is used - most often we are talking about differentiated pricing. So, for example, an official dealership can operate with the following cost items per standard hour for car repairs and maintenance:

    for maintenance (maintenance) for vehicles during the warranty period;

    for TR (current repairs) for cars during the warranty period;

    for maintenance and repairs in the post-warranty period;

    for cars of non-core brands;

    on cars of company employees;

    for the services of a tire service station and a washing station;

    for internal corporate settlements with companies of the same group;

    for non-commercial internal work performed at the expense of the company itself for its own needs (washing its test cars, etc.).

The cost of a standard hour at a car service center for the maintenance of warranty vehicles, of course, is the maximum among the rest. The logic of this pricing policy is simple: the car owner is “tied” to dealer service by a factory warranty and suffers high prices because of this.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs during the warranty period (current repairs) is often set at a reduced rate, since in this part the official service already feels competition from independent service stations. The replacement of brake pads and other work that is not included in the maintenance regulations and does not fall under warranty work free of charge for the client can be done by the car owner in an alternative service at more attractive prices.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs and maintenance at an official dealership is usually reduced dramatically when the car is out of warranty. The owner loses the opportunity for free troubleshooting within the framework of the automaker's warranty support and loses the motivation to pay high rates. Almost all official dealers are forced to react to this in order to keep the client with them. The same work with the same quality on an older car will be done at prices approximately one and a half to two times lower than those that were used during the warranty period. An important circumstance is that often during this time the car passes to a new owner. Second, third, and subsequent car owners consider service anywhere (even a private mechanic's garage) and are less likely to spend as much money on dealer service as a new car buyer seeking to maintain the automaker's warranty in the first years of ownership. A service station that specializes in a particular brand of car, especially as part of a dealership, can easily keep prices for cars in the post-warranty period slightly higher than alternative services. This possibility is based on the fact that a considerable part of wealthy clients are willing to pay this small difference for the competence of the performers, lower risks and related customer service at a higher level. This is especially true for owners of cars of brands that belong to the High-middle (above average), Premium and Lux ​​segments.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs in a car service center of an official dealership for cars of non-core brands is either slightly less than for cars of “their” brand in the post-warranty period, or higher. The first case indicates the management’s interest in providing the center and staff with any additional income. The second case demonstrates the opposite policy, since management does not want to provide low-income services for one reason or another.

For example, high “barrier” prices for servicing non-core cars can be set at official dealership car centers of premium brands in order to limit the service of mass-brand cars and not violate the aura of exclusivity for their main customers. Additionally, working on machines that do not have access to technical information and approved repair methods carries an increased risk of errors and subsequent liability. And expensive equipment wears out, not bringing a sufficient level of profit on the money invested in it. This pricing strategy can be followed by dealers whose service stations are sufficiently loaded with cars from a specialized premium brand to operate profitably.

The cost of a standard hour for repairing company cars (internal work) and for intra-corporate clients (cars of their group companies) depends on the management policy, taking into account the current difference in taxation of companies and some other factors. For example, when a car service operates under a simplified taxation system, it is more profitable for a company of the same owner, but operating under a general taxation regime, to provide services at an inflated cost. However, there are also risks of claims from tax authorities for such “optimization” with serious consequences.

What are the key guidelines for deciding on the cost of a standard hour for car repairs? First of all, they are guided by two factors: for paid service clients, they are guided by the established pricing of direct competitors in their market segment, and to establish minimum prices for internal work and servicing employees’ cars, they are based on the direct costs of paying mechanics.

When calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs, a reserve for vacation and hospital expenses should be added to the established rate of payment for a mechanic for each standard hour sold. With a basic duration of annual leave of 28 calendar days and a predominantly male workforce, the reserve can be calculated at approximately 12% (the ratio of the number of vacation days to workers per year). To all this it is necessary to add 30.4% to cover the costs of paying the unified social tax (UST) and deductions for injuries. It is also worth adding a certain amount to cover a number of directly related expenses, which, at a minimum, should include:

    the amount to pay for bank services for transferring wages to an employee and taxes according to the bank’s current tariffs for settlement and cash services;

    the amount for wear and tear of work clothes, detergents and cleaning products required by mechanics under current legislation, rags and other materials not included in the work order for payment by the client;

    the amount for tool wear (determined by calculation by dividing the cost of a written-off tool over a long period (for example, a year or even two or three years) and the number of closed “commercial” standard hours for the same period;

    some others, in accordance with the policies of management and accounting.

Having the initial information, you can make not the most complex, but important calculations.

An example of calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs

Let's consider an example of calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs in 2018 in the passenger car segment. So, let's assume:

    300 rubles – the rate for calculating wages to a mechanic for each standard hour closed on work orders (of which 261 are directly paid to the mechanic, and 39 rubles constitute personal income tax and are subject to payment to the budget);

    45 rubles - the rate for calculating wages for the receptionist (for processing documents and solving other issues);

    15 rubles - the tariff for calculating a bonus to the wages of a workshop foreman (for technological support of work and final quality control);

    43.2 rubles - reserve for vacation and sick leave;

    122.57 rubles – unified social tax and injuries;

    30 rubles – related expenses;

The total is a little less than 556 rubles of direct expenses for the remuneration of direct performers and direct related expenses.

Now it’s worth taking into account the taxation of activities related to the provision of service services. For example, in the general taxation regime it is necessary to add value added tax (VAT) at the current rate. Most often, currently, service services are provided without VAT under the simplified taxation system (STS). In the simplest version to calculate, this is a tax of 6% of gross income without taking into account expenses. That is, the amount of direct costs obtained by our calculation must be at least 94% of the established cost per hour of paid time. The minimum cost of a standard hour for car repairs according to the example we gave should be 556 / 0.94 = 591.5 rubles. Taking the mechanic’s wage rate as an example, this is the bare minimum, which does not take into account calculations of depreciation of fixed assets (primarily service station equipment), energy costs in the repair area and other shop expenses.

When calculating the full cost of a standard hour for car repairs, not only direct costs for mechanics and shop expenses are taken into account, but also all the company’s costs, including administrative expenses, interest on loans for organizing and developing a business, etc.

As a general rule, the cost of 1 standard hour is calculated by dividing the corresponding costs accrued according to accounting by the number of commercial standard hours closed during the same reporting period. For calculations, it is better to take a year, which allows you to take into account seasonal fluctuations in the level of costs and volumes of work. In the same way, you can calculate almost any other costs per hour of services provided.

A significant contribution to the cost of service station services is made by renting premises or accounting for investments in construction and equipment. Let's take, for example, that renting a suitable premises for a small private service for several posts will cost, according to the most conservative estimates, approximately 300,000 rubles per month. If 1000 standard hours are completed monthly on average for the year, each of them will account for 300 rubles of rent paid. In addition, there are also costs for heating, lighting and maintenance of the premises and surrounding area, garbage removal, payment for communication services, etc. The company also bears the costs of management, personnel records and accounting. The cost of a standard hour for car repairs should also take into account the interests of the business owner.

Let's continue the calculation according to the example we gave above:

    556 rubles – labor costs with taxes for key personnel;

    300 rubles – expenses for renting premises and adjacent territory;

    50 rubles – maintenance costs;

    100 rubles – management expenses;

    150 rubles – owner’s interest.

The total amount turned out to be 1156 rubles. Taking into account the simplified tax system of 6%, the cost of a standard hour for clients should be on average at least 1230 rubles after taking into account all the discounts provided. The cost of a standard hour in the given example can be set at slightly less, provided that part of the necessary expenses and the owner’s interest are covered by making a profit from the sale of spare parts and consumables.

The hardest thing is for official dealers of car brands. The construction and equipping of a service center as part of a dealership with equipment that meets all standards costs them tens, or even hundreds of millions of rubles. At the same time, the automaker requires the dealer to bear significant operating costs for the established service standards. All this is a very significant addition to the cost of the services provided.

It is worth noting that a detailed calculation of the cost of standard hours for car repairs is now rarely compiled, as it requires the work of a qualified economist or an experienced accountant with additional competencies in the field of pricing. Many focus only on prices already established on the local market.

Table of standard hour costs for car repairs

Table of the cost of standard hours for car repairs in a car service center in 2018, for example:

    for internal work (maintenance of own vehicle fleet) – 500-600 rubles;

    for auto center employees – from 600 to 1000 rubles, depending on the internal company policy;

    for maintenance (MOT) during the warranty period: for mass budget and mid-level brands - 1200-1500 rubles, for brands in the upper middle segment (high middle, for example, Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda) - from 1500 to 1800 rubles, for premium brands - from 2700 to 3500 rubles;

    for car maintenance during the post-warranty period - from 1200 to 2000 rubles, depending on the prestige of the brand and the age of the car itself (for example, for premium brand cars over 3 and up to 5 years - 1800-2000 rubles, and over 5 years – 1200-1300 rubles).

Is the standard hour cost for car repairs always applied correctly? No not always. For some highly competitive types of work, a fixed reduced price may be established. This is relevant for tire fitting and car wash services at dealerships. A targeted reduction can also be used for individual works, which are considered to be “price beacons”. Clients often ask for prices for such work, and they mainly use them to judge the level of prices for services - changing engine oil, replacing brake pads, and the like. In addition, some customers may receive an additional discount from the owner or authorized operating manager. In addition to this, depending on the adequacy of the number of standard hours according to the reference book for individual works and the elasticity of the response of service clients to the final cost, the service station administration can introduce individual adjustments. Some automakers pursue a policy of uniform prices for maintenance, which, when compared with the reference time standard and the cost of a standard hour at a specific official dealer, can also cause a discrepancy. It is worth recalling once again that many private garages and small independent car services in their pricing intuitively focus on the competitive environment and their own understanding of the price-quality ratio for the services they provide.

Average cost per hour for car repairs

The average cost of a standard hour for car repairs reflects the final result of a set of services provided at different prices. It is determined by dividing the cost of services by the number of standard hours for closed work orders for the selected period.

The fall in the average cost of a standard hour for car repairs can be determined by the following main reasons:

    an increase in the share of low-cost work - for example, an increase in post-warranty repairs with stabilization or reduction in the volume of maintenance for machines under the warranty period;

    reduction in the cost of a standard hour;

    expanding the practice of additional discounts on the cost of work.

The increase in the average cost of a standard hour for car repairs is determined by reasons for the opposite effect.

Let's give a simple example to illustrate. The service station closed 900 standard hours at the established prices of 1,200 rubles without discounts. Another 100 standard hours are closed for 1000 rubles, i.e. with discount. The total revenue is 1,180,000 rubles, and the average cost of a standard hour is 1,180 rubles.

A study of the dynamics of volumes and the average cost of a standard hour for car repairs separately by type of repair or customer category will allow us to localize the behavior factor of the final indicators of the services provided. It is useful to do in-depth structured analysis for commercial and intra-company volumes of services separately. Often, the average standard hour for car repairs, which is stable from period to period, hides negative events that require intervention, or, conversely, neutralizes the positive results of targeted efforts of personnel in some significant areas due to the action of other reasons.


The cost of a standard hour for car repairs requires a correct, qualified and not very complicated calculation, which will allow you to consciously select key control points in your pricing policy and correctly understand the cause-and-effect relationships in the profitability or unprofitability of a car service. The calculation results should be carefully checked with the prevailing prices in the given market for direct and potential competitors and the reaction of clients should be kept under control. This is necessary to find the optimal price-quality ratio for the services provided and the profitable operation of the car service.

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