Kia Rio service mileage. Maintenance of Kia Rio (kia rio)

Kia Rio service mileage. Maintenance of Kia Rio (kia rio)

Kia Rio cars, as well as all KIA models, with the exception of KIA SPECTRA, sold by official dealers of the company, are guaranteed for a period of 60 months or 150 thousand mileage. This situation has existed since March 2009. The warranty period for a KIA car officially begins from the date of registration of its sale to the first buyer. The company's warranty obligations for Kia Rio vehicles are maintained only when the schedule for scheduled inspections or maintenance at service stations that are official dealers of Kia is carried out.

Scheduled maintenance is required to be carried out every 15 thousand km or at least once a year, depending on which of these events occurs first. If the car has not been used for part of a year or even a whole year, then in order to maintain its warranty, the next annual technical inspection is mandatory. Moreover, scheduled maintenance of a car can be done both at the dealership of the dealer who sold the car, and at any other Kia dealer in the Russian Federation Square.

Conditions for warranty maintenance

At the same time, the performance of each scheduled maintenance during the entire warranty period must be recorded in the service book indicating the date of its implementation. The record of the next maintenance must be certified by the dealer’s seal. In this case, it is allowed to carry out scheduled maintenance no later than 1 month after the expiration of a year after the previous maintenance or 500 kilometers in excess of the standard mileage. During the entire warranty period, official dealers of the Kia Rio company, in the event of a car breakdown that occurred due to the fault of the plant, are obliged to repair or replace the defective part free of charge. At the same time, the car owner’s service book contains a list of parts for which the warranty expires after a mileage of 30 thousand km or after 12 months.

These include parts that are subject to natural wear and tear, such as spark plugs, high-voltage wires, headlights, clutch discs, brake discs and pads, various pipes, hoses, body windows, and chrome parts. It should be noted that tires are not covered by this warranty, as tires already have a warranty from their manufacturer. In order to carry out free warranty repairs or replace a defective part free of charge, it is necessary to fulfill certain warranty obligations. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, that the breakdown is clearly of factory origin and secondly, so that there is no desire to repair the damaged part or correct a technical defect on your own or in unauthorized workshops.

Loss of rights to warranty service and warranty repairs

If the breakdown occurred due to improper maintenance, violation of operating rules, and even more so as a result of a road accident, then all repair work will, of course, be paid for by the owner of the car. Also, damage incurred as a result of using non-factory equipment and non-original spare parts, due to the use of inappropriate fuels and lubricants, or neglect of periodic maintenance of the vehicle is not paid for. Unfortunately, even when the Rio is under warranty repairs, the costs associated with the inability to use it during this period are also not paid. In general, there is an official list of cases in which a car owner loses the right to a warranty. The most frequently noted points that lead to premature termination of the warranty are the following:

  • neglect of the rules for operating the machine;
  • use of the vehicle in car rallies, other sporting events or driving schools;
  • skipping scheduled maintenance;
  • an attempt to change the speedometer readings;
  • independent disassembly and assembly of devices;
  • installation of additional anti-theft systems, audio and video devices, tow mechanisms, etc. independently or not from dealers;
  • in case of significant damage, including traffic accidents, when repair of the main parts and mechanisms of the machine is necessary.

Scope of work for maintenance 2

The second maintenance of a Kia Rio car is carried out 24 months after purchasing a new car or after a mileage of 30 thousand km. The maintenance work of TO-2 for Kia Rio includes the following operations:

  • checking the battery condition;
  • diagnostics of computer programs;
  • diagnostics of external lighting devices;
  • monitoring the proper operation of the brake pedal;
  • inspection of the serviceability of the clutch pedal (for Rio with manual transmission);
  • determining the condition of the air conditioner;
  • parking brake inspection;
  • determining the degree of tire wear and pressure;
  • inspection of vacuum hoses and tubes;
  • inspection of wheel drive shafts and boots;
  • monitoring the tightness of the exhaust system;
  • inspection of disc brakes;
  • checking the presence of fluid in the manual transmission and power steering;
  • visual inspection of flexible power steering hoses;
  • determining the serviceability of fastening components and assemblies of the body;
  • condition of the paintwork;
  • inspection of drive belts;
  • determining the condition of the engine cooling radiator and air conditioner cooler;
  • checking the correct functioning of the steering mechanism;
  • condition of the Rio fuel unit (ventilation, fuel tank, filler neck);
  • checking all fuel hoses and tubes;
  • checking the presence of brake fluid;
  • determining the condition of all hoses, tubes and connections of the brake system;
  • inspection and replacement of the cabin ventilation filter;
  • determination of wear of ball joints of the front suspension;
  • control of crankcase ventilation hoses;
  • determining the state of the engine cooling system;
  • changing engine oil and oil filter;
  • inspection (and most often replacement) of the fuel filter;
  • Inspect (and in most cases replace) the air filter.

Summarizing the composition of routine maintenance for TO-2 Rio, we can say that if you strictly adhere to the specified technical regulations, then it is necessary to inspect almost all components of the vehicle during its implementation. Also, according to the regulations, only the oil and oil filter need to be changed.

But every somewhat experienced driver knows that at the same time as changing the oil and oil filter, during maintenance they also change the air, fuel and cabin filters, and also add brake fluid. Thus, provided that all scheduled technical inspections, including Maintenance 2, are completed within the regulated time limits, in full and at technical service stations of official Kia Rio dealers, the warranty and excellent technical condition of the car are ensured.

I always wondered: is the 5 year warranty on Rio a marketing ploy or confidence in your product and how much does maintenance cost? When a few years ago the Korean company announced such a long warranty, it looked like an obvious “lure” of buyers. But on the other hand, looking back at my considerable life and professional experience in repair work, I understand that subject to ALL regulatory requirements recommended by manufacturers, other components and assemblies in the car can last for many years, and with STRICT adherence to all recommendations - even decades .

In this regard, I would like to remember one of my first (personal) cars - ZAZ-1102 Tavria. It so happened historically that this car had just begun to appear on our roads, but at that time I myself was already a driver with extensive experience, and also an experienced auto mechanic. And it also happened that, for example, I changed the oil in the engine of this Tavria not every prescribed 10,000 km, or five, but almost after two thousand kilometers. What is the price? I admit, the oil was “free”. Why not?

My neighbor in the garage bought exactly the same car at the same time as me, but changed the crankshaft liners almost after 20 thousand mileage. And when we opened the engine, it turned out that the compression rings from its pistons had fallen off, like seeds from a holey pocket. By the way, this incident with a neighbor also prompted me to change the oil in my car quite often. In a word, the car was weak, there was enough repair work - if anyone has driven it, he knows.

Why am I telling this story to people who are going to conduct a TO-1 test of a KIA Rio car? And besides, if something is prescribed by the factory, if you carry it out, then you will have a five- and seven-year warranty.

And what does the manufacturer prescribe in the TO-1 list for the KIA Rio car? Not much! When 15 thousand km appears on your odometer, or 12 months have passed since the date of purchase of your KIA Rio, it all depends on which comes first, you should:

  1. change the engine oil; change the oil filter;
  2. During this work, the gasket under the engine crankcase drain plug must be replaced;
  3. A new air and cabin filter should be installed.

How much does it cost to complete such a list of works?

If all this work is performed by an official dealer at his service, then it will cost you approximately 3-4 thousand rubles, that is, a hundred evergreen American money, depending on the region, area and... from the dealer himself. But because prices even at official KIA dealers will definitely differ – and quite significantly.

Engine oil for KIA Rio. Volume?

According to your passport, it needs 3.3 liters. Or a little more. Or - a little less, it all depends on the method of removing old oil from your crankcase. If you unscrew the drain plug, and the car is standing on the inspection hole at a slight slope, and the lowest point of the crankcase is at least level with the drain hole (and sometimes even lower), then up to 250 mg of old oil may remain in the crankcase. Vacuum extraction through the dipstick tube allows the oil to be sucked out of the system almost dry.

What are the consequences of having old oil in the system?

Accelerated aging of newly refilled oil, and this is a scientific and technical fact!

Why do I constantly talk about the official KIA dealer, do not even mention the service station certified by them, and especially do not utter words such as “carrying out a KIA Rio TO-1 with my own hands”? But because the first technical services - both TO-1 and TO-2, as well as TO-3 and even sometimes the “fourth” and “fifth” TO - are still “fitted” within the terms and mileage of the warranty vehicle. And if you decide to carry out some of the first maintenance work in your garage, then, firstly, not a single official dealer will risk putting a mark on such maintenance in your service book, which, secondly, entails an unambiguous loss guarantees. Is the game worth the candle?

Oil filter

Its catalog number, 2630035503, is not at all necessary to remember. If you change the oil at an official dealer, then, believe me, no one will supply you with a fake, and the so-called analogues sometimes arrive on the conveyors of automobile manufacturers through completely official channels, and are already placed in branded packaging at the factory itself. And when serviced by an official dealer or at a service station certified by him, they do not tend to “play around” with diluting oils, changing filters and the like. For this you can lose your certificate and lose your dealer contract, and this is already serious! Often the mechanics themselves monitor compliance with the technical map of TO-1 Rio, and sometimes each other, so that grateful clients come back here again. And so as not to lose such a job yourself!

Gasket for drain plug

Its number – 2151323001 – also does not need to be remembered. But if you do maintenance with your own hands in the garage (someday, not soon, but only after the warranty ends), then you must remember to first buy it along with filters and engine oil, since it is subject to each maintenance replacement. Such gaskets are usually made of soft steels or composites so that, when flattened when clamped, they can serve as reliable protection against drips. Many global manufacturers require replacement of such gaskets, including, for example, the Volkswagen group of companies.

Air filter and cabin filter - must be replaced during maintenance-1

And this operation will definitely be performed for you. But they may also ask: maybe we won’t change it? There is a temptation not to change it - it will be cheaper, but saving on replacing the cabin filter is a matter of your health, and the engine air filter is subject to different laws. If you drive little and your annual mileage does not exceed 12-15 thousand kilometers, then you may not be able to meet the “12 month” standard either. Such car owners are called “snowdrops”; they definitely put their car in a warm garage for the winter and forget about it until spring, but:

  • if you live in a metropolis or just a big city;
  • your annual mileage is 25-30 thousand km or more;
  • you live in the far north, and even drive short distances so that the engine does not have time to warm up to operating temperature;
  • the car operates in other stressful conditions (you are constantly dragging a trailer behind you, for example), - ... then not only the air filter, but also the oil filter, as well as the rest of the list of works, should be done even more often than recommended by the manufacturer.


From personal experience. Most of our editorial vehicles operate under “normal” operating conditions. But there is one Mitsubishi Lancer car that constantly travels with journalists and a cameraman to autocross and rally competitions. He is “in the fields” so often, and it is always so dusty and dirty there, and there are up to a dozen stages during the season, that the air filter in this car is changed - almost two or three times a summer... And it looks , believe me, this is what air filters that have served for three periods do not look like, but in other, normal conditions. What is dust on the air filter? This is an abrasive that can turn your engine into a set of pieces of iron in a fairly short time. I don’t think there is any need to say how much it costs to repair an engine.

Sergey Zhebalenko, automotive journalist

In August 2015 I had to go through fifth maintenance (TO) for my KIA Rio 2012 Year of release. I underwent maintenance No. 5 at 76,000 km, this is my second maintenance this year (it was in February). At the fifth service, only the engine oil and oil filter are changed at the official dealer. The fifth maintenance on a KIA Rio must be completed when you reach 75 or 60 months, whichever comes first.

Here are their catalog numbers:

Engine oil - SHELL HELIX ULTRA 5w-30

Oil filter - 26300-35503

Engine oil pan drain plug gasket - 21513-23001

The maintenance cost me 7,391 rubles, of which 555 rubles were removal/installation. And there would be nothing interesting about it if it weren’t for the epic with the brake discs.

How to breed from official dealers.

Every time I undergo maintenance at the same dealer in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Bogatyrsky Avenue. Not because I like it, but just very close to home, and while the car is being made, you can do business and not sit in the cabin. Starting from the third service (45 thousand kilometers) at which I changed the pads, the master began to tell me about very worn brake discs. The work completion certificate included a terrible figure for the residual thickness of the brake discs (1.5-2 millimeters remained before critical wear).

The master convinced me that the disks would not last until the next maintenance. Naturally, I took this as complete nonsense and did not change anything. Internal conviction and experience suggested a divorce, naturally everything was confirmed, when I changed the tires in the fall, I measured the brake discs with a micrometer, everything was noticeably better than promised. At this point I calmed down and, of course, mentally cursed the official dealer.

After 15 thousand kilometers and eight months, I arrived at Maintenance No. 4 (60 thousand kilometers), the mechanic was different, but during the maintenance he called me and began to convince me that it was time to take the brake discs to the trash heap. This time I didn’t believe the same and didn’t change it. When I got home I compared maintenance reports No. 2 and Maintenance No. 4 - the thickness of the brake discs was almost the same. Those. in their opinion, after 15 tons of kilometers they were almost not worn out.

And now the crux of this whole story. Having passed fifth maintenance When I received the certificate of completion of the work, I expected to hear a story about the brake discs, but the master said that the rear pads were worn out, and nothing about the discs. Then I asked myself, to which I heard the answer: “The discs need to be changed after about 15-20 thousand km, but the rear pads are already very worn out.” I didn’t change the pads from the officials, but went to a trusted service center. Pads (catalog number of pads - 583021RA30) I exchanged them for original ones, and at the same time I found out by the condition of the brake discs and the words of the master at the OD were confirmed to me.

If we compare the certificates of completed work of maintenance No. 5 and maintenance No. 4, it turns out that in 15 thousand km the front brake discs did not wear out, but rather grew by 0.3 mm. Unfortunately, I didn’t find Act No. 3, but I think everything would be even more interesting.


If the officials offer you to change something, and it seems suspicious to you, do not be lazy to check it. In general, all the recommendations look like some kind of scam and, unfortunately, many people fall for this due to inexperience. Often the officials can do additional work for you on time. Be careful when placing an order, read it before signing it. They can easily charge you to replace the filter or some other small item, which will cost an extra 1-2 thousand rubles.

P.S. I’m still not sure whether they changed the fuel filter for me at Maintenance No. 4, I have big doubts)) I’ll check it in the near future.

The third generation Kia Rio began selling in Russia on October 1, 2011, in a sedan body. The car is equipped with 1.4 or 1.6 liter petrol engines, which are equipped with both a manual transmission and an automatic transmission. The manual transmission has 5 speeds, and the automatic transmission has four.

The standard frequency for replacing consumables is 15,000 km or 12 months. In severe operating conditions, such as driving in dusty areas, frequent trips over short distances, driving with a trailer, it is recommended to reduce the interval to 10,000 or 7,500 km. This applies primarily to changing the oil and oil filter, as well as air and cabin filters.

This article is intended to provide guidance on how routine maintenance of the Kia Rio 3 is carried out. Next, consumables and their prices with catalog numbers that will be required for completion, as well as a list of work will be described.

Only average prices (current at the time of writing) for consumables are indicated. If you carry out maintenance at a service center, you need to add the price for the work of the technician to the cost. Roughly speaking, this is multiplying the price of a consumable by 2.

The Kia Rio 3 maintenance table is as follows:

List of works during maintenance 1 (mileage 15,000 km)

  1. . The volume of the lubrication system including the oil filter is 3.3 liters. The manufacturer recommends using Shell Helix Plus 5W30/5W40 or Shell Helix Ultra 0W40/5W30/5W40 engine oil. Catalog number of Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 engine oil for 4 liters - 550021556 (average price 2300 rubles). When replacing, you will need an o-ring - 2151323001 (average price 25 rubles).
  2. Replacing the oil filter. Catalog number - 2630035503 (average price 270 rubles).
  3. . Catalog number - 971334L000 (average price 330 rubles).

Checks during maintenance 1 and all subsequent ones:

  • checking the condition of the drive belt;
  • checking the hoses and connections of the cooling system, as well as the coolant level;
  • checking the oil level in the gearbox;
  • checking the condition of the suspension;
  • checking the condition of the steering;
  • checking wheel alignment;
  • checking tire pressure;
  • checking the condition of the CV joint covers;
  • checking the condition of the brake mechanisms, brake fluid level;
  • checking the condition of the battery;
  • Lubricating locks, hinges, hood latches.

List of works during maintenance 2 (mileage 30,000 km)

  1. Repeating the work of Maintenance 1, where they change: engine oil, oil filter and cabin filter.
  2. Replacing brake fluid. The volume of the brake system is 0.7-0.8 liters. It is recommended to use DOT4 type fuel fluid. Catalog number 0.5 liter - 0110000110 (average price 1450 rubles).

List of works during maintenance 3 (mileage 45,000 km)

  1. Repeat maintenance procedures 1 - change the oil, oil filter and cabin filter.
  2. . Article - 281131R100 (average cost 480 rubles).
  3. Replacing the coolant. To replace, you need 5.3 liters of antifreeze for aluminum radiators. Article number of 1 liter of concentrate LiquiMoly KFS 2001 Plus G12 - 8840 (average cost - 550 rubles). The concentrate must be diluted with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio.

List of works during maintenance 4 (mileage 60,000 km)

  1. Repeat all points TO 1 and TO 2 - change the oil, oil and cabin filters, as well as brake fluid.
  2. . You will need 4 pieces, catalog number - 1882911050 (average price per piece 170 rubles).
  3. Replacing the fuel filter. Catalog number - 311121R000 (average price 1100 rubles).

List of works during maintenance 5 (mileage 75,000 km)

Perform maintenance 1 - change the oil, oil and cabin filters.

List of works during maintenance 6 (mileage 90,000 km)

  1. Carry out all the procedures described in Maintenance 1, Maintenance 2 and Maintenance 3: changing the oil, oil and cabin filters, as well as changing the brake fluid, engine air filter and coolant.
  2. Changing the oil in the automatic transmission. The automatic transmission should be filled with ATF SP-III type fluid. Article number 1 liter of original oil packaging - 450000110 (average price 815 rubles). In total, the system volume contains 6.8 liters.

Replacements according to service life

Kia Rio III, not provided for by the regulations. It is believed that the oil is filled for the entire service life of the car and is changed only in case of repair of the gearbox. However, the oil level is checked every 15 thousand km, and if necessary, it is topped up.

Oil filling volume in manual transmission is 1.9 liters. The manufacturer recommends using gear oil not lower than API GL-4, with a viscosity of 75W85. Article number of a 1-liter canister of original liquid - 430000110 (average cost 430 rubles).

Replacing the drive belt mounted units is not clearly regulated. Its condition is checked at each maintenance (that is, at intervals of 15 thousand km). If there are signs of wear, replace it. Belt catalog number - 6PK2137 (average price 1400 rubles), automatic tensioner roller has an article number - 252812B010 and an average cost of 3600 rubles.

Replacing the timing chain, according to the Kia Rio 3 service book, is not carried out. The life of the chain is designed for its entire service life, but experienced motorists agree that it is around 200-250 thousand km. mileage, you should think about replacing it.

Kia Rio timing chain replacement kit includes:

  • timing chain, article number - 243212B000 (price approx. 3200 rubles);
  • tensioner, article number - 2441025001 (price approx. 2800 rubles);
  • chain shoe, article number - 244202B000 (price approx. 1320 rubles).

Maintenance cost for Kia Rio 3 2017

Having carefully looked at the list of works for each maintenance, it becomes clear that the full maintenance cycle ends at the sixth iteration, after which it begins again with the first maintenance.

Maintenance 1 is the main one, since its procedures are performed at every service - this is changing the oil, oil and cabin filters. With the second maintenance, a replacement of the brake fluid is added, and with the third, a replacement of the coolant and air filter is added. For maintenance 4 you will need the consumables from the first two maintenance services, as well as spark plugs and a fuel filter.

This is followed by a repetition of the first maintenance, as a respite before the most expensive maintenance 6, which includes consumables from maintenance 1, 2 and 3, plus an automatic transmission oil change. In total, the costs for each maintenance look like this:

Maintenance cost for Kia Rio 3
Maintenance number Catalog number *Price, rub.)
TO 1 motor oil - 550021556
oil filter - 2630035503

TO 2
brake fluid - 0110000110
TO 3 All consumables for the first maintenance, as well as:
air filter - 281131R100
coolant - 8840
TO 4 All consumables for the first and second maintenance, as well as:
spark plugs (4 pcs.) - 1882911050
fuel filter - 311121R000
TO 5 Repeat TO 1:
motor oil - 550021556
oil filter - 2630035503
O-ring - 2151323001
cabin filter - 971334L000
TO 6 All consumables TO 1-3, as well as:
Automatic transmission oil - 450000110
Consumables that change without reference to mileage
Name Catalog number Price
Manual transmission oil 430000110 860
Drive belt belt - 6Q0260849E
tensioner - 252812B010
Timing kit Timing chain - 243212B000
chain tensioner - 2441025001
shoe - 244202B000

*The average cost is indicated as of prices in the fall of 2017 for Moscow and the region.

The numbers from the table allow you to estimate how much maintenance will cost for a Kia Rio 3. Prices are approximate, since the use of analogue consumables will reduce the cost, and additional work (replacements without an exact frequency) will increase it.

Kia and Hyundai service

Why you should visit us:

Car service "Auto-Mig".

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It is worth noting that modern Korean cars are not old copies of the Japanese, these are first-class cars of various classes, and are repaired in a special way, they already have their own history and can be repaired efficiently using only professionally thought-out technologies.

Our auto repair center provides the following services:

  • full diagnostics of the internal combustion engine, gearbox and electronics;
  • diagnosing individual nodes, directions;
  • repairs of any complexity;
  • air conditioner maintenance (troubleshooting, refilling);
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We have the most advanced equipment that helps to repair your vehicle better than anyone else, increasing the level of work done to the maximum.

We work on all Kia and Hyundai models, please contact any of our technical centers for details.

Kia repair at AutoMig Auto Service Center

(examples of completed work):

Hyundai repair at Auto-Mig Auto Service Center

(examples of completed work):

Repair of commercial vehicles in our technical center:

Many Korean cars are used by companies - these are small Porter and Bongo trucks. And for passenger transportation, usually Starex H-1 and Carnival. For these fleets, we also offer our friendly approach and maximum attention.

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Commercial vehicle servicing

(examples of completed work):

Checking the car before purchasing

  • We will help you buy a car without any pitfalls. Checking the car before purchasing will ensure that it meets the technical conditions declared by the seller.

And just a little more about our technical center:

Our specialists will perform engine and suspension repairs of almost any degree of complexity. We use official electronic catalogs and strictly follow repair technology. When carrying out repair work, we use spare parts only from well-known manufacturers, which we purchase directly from importers, which ensures their low cost.

At the AutoMig car service center, you can repair the brake system of your Kia or Hyundai using high-quality materials and according to the manufacturer’s technology.

Come, we will be happy to help you!

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