Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery. Orsha

Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery. Orsha


Orsha is located in the Vitebsk region, 220 kilometers from Minsk. You can get there by car in 2 hours 30 minutes. There are regular buses. See tickets online, cost about 13 rubles.

Convenient way is train. Orsha is a large railway junction. You can find train tickets here.

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College of the Jesuits in Orsha

One of the main attractions of the city of Orsha can safely be called a building dating back to the 17th century - College of the Jesuits. The building has been reconstructed in accordance with its original appearance.

It was here, in the collegium building, that Napoleon Bonaparte settled during the War of 1812. It was here that famous people of that time received their education.

The Jesuit College was built at the beginning of the 17th century in the Baroque style. Initially, the building was used for holding sejms. However, a few years later, King Sigismund III transferred the building to the Jesuits, where the first educational institution was organized. A century later the building was rebuilt in stone. The walls housed a music school, a pharmacy and even a city theater. The building was gradually completed, and a decorative clock tower appeared on the second floor.

In 1820, the college was closed due to the ban on the activities of the Jesuits. For many years the building housed the city prison. And after the premises fell into disrepair and were stolen.

At the end of the 20th century, the entire complex was completely restored. Archaeologists have found the remains of the foundations of a college and a monastery. Today the building houses an art gallery and exhibition hall and a children's library.

Water Mill

In the historical center there is a water mill built in 1902. Back in the 18th century, the wooden mill in Orsha was indeed very profitable among the entire province. Unfortunately, the building, which attracts tourists from all over Belarus, is not original.

Built at the beginning of the 20th century, the red brick mill absorbed the architectural features of that time, preserving only the original location. The facade of the building is decorated with a round window, along the perimeter of which the date of construction is laid out.

In the early 90s of the last century, thanks to the Revival program, the mill was reconstructed. Now inside this red building there is an ethnographic museum.

The architectural composition of the mill also includes an arched bridge from the early 20th century.

Parts of the buildings of the Basilian monastery

The Basilian monastery itself has not survived to this day. On the banks of the river, in the center of Orsha, only ruins of the monastery residential complex .

Built in the mid-18th century, it is now in extremely poor condition.

Historians claim that the temple was founded by the Basilians in the second half of the 18th century.

There was also a temple at the monastery, which was called the Church of the Guardianship of Our Lady. In 1842, it was reconsecrated and the Orthodox Holy Intercession Monastery was located within the walls of the temple.

However, in 1967 this already Orthodox church was blown up. Today, only the walls of the residential complex at the monastery have been partially preserved.

Abandoned building of the Franciscan monastery

On Dominicanskaya Street there is an abandoned building that used to be a residential building of a monastery. Now the abandoned Franciscan monastery is not used and is gradually being destroyed. There is a small workshop near the main entrance.

A small sign “Kashtounast” reminds us that this building is an architectural monument.

Former monastery

Where the Trinity Church (Church of the Holy Spirit) is located today, the Kuteinsky Monastery was previously located. It was founded in Orsha in 1623. The name of the monastery was not accidental. The building of the monastery was founded at the confluence of the two rivers Dnieper and Kuteinka.

A few years later, during the founding of the monastery, an icon was miraculously revealed, which today is considered the patroness of all Orsha - the icon of the Mother of God. There are many legends surrounding its miraculous properties. They say that she brought healing and comfort to every sufferer. Today this icon is in the St. Elias Church of the Holy Dormition Convent in Orsha.

Around the same time, a wooden Epiphany Church was built on the territory of the monastery. Another church was also erected in honor of the birth of Christ. In the second half of the 19th century, it was re-lit in honor of the Holy Trinity.

The Kuteinsky monastery became famous thanks to its cultural and educational activities. Within the walls of the monastery there was a school, a library, and a workshop of icon painters. The Kuteinsky monastery was famous for its masters and they were invited to other cities and regions. Even the Moscow state summoned carpenters, masons, engravers and other craftsmen. The monastery housed the most important printing house at that time, which published books in the Belarusian Cyrillic alphabet.

In the first half of the 17th century, the monastery sheltered more than 200 monks. Thanks to their activities, many other Orthodox monasteries were opened. However, in 1655, the monks were forced to move to the Iversky Monastery due to the resulting oppression of the Orthodox by the Uniates.

The Epiphany Cathedral, which was located on the territory of the monastery, completely burned down in 1885. Another interesting fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, monks found an ancient cave monastery in honor of the Resurrection of the Righteous Lazarus. Caves, niches and corridors were found.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the restoration of the Monastery began. In 1995, after restoration was completed, the Holy Trinity Church was illuminated within the walls of the former monastery. Within the walls of the temple there are workshops for wood carving and icon painting; iconostases are created and much more.

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Few people know that the only monastery on the territory of modern Belarus was previously located in Orsha. In 1917, it finally lost its significance. Now in its place is the modest Epiphany Kuteinsky Monastery.

Despite all the hardships in the past, the monastery continues to live. Now there are three monks, a monk and a novice. As in the old days, they carry their cross and offer prayers to God in the Holy Trinity Church, restored in the mid-90s of the 20th century. Recently, the temple has been transformed; many beautiful icons have appeared in it. In 2012, the iconostasis was restored, and last year the roof was replaced and a parapet was built.

The Holy Trinity Church has its own long-standing traditions. According to parishioners, grace is felt in him. The temple lives a full parish life. Divine services and church sacraments are performed there, and prayers are offered “For our God-protected country,” “For this city and those who live in it by faith.”

Two years ago, thanks to donations from Orsha residents Vladimir and Natalia Panasenko, a new bell tower appeared on the territory of the monastery. The ringing of nine bells cast in Moscow, of different sounds and tones, can be heard far above the Dnieper. Blocking the street noise and the hum of vehicles, it brings a cleansing “prayer in bronze” to the world. Along with the monk Abraham, the youth Zacharias, a second-grade student in one of the secondary schools in the city of Orsha, is good at ringing bells.

Many saints visited the Kuteinsky monastery in their time. This is St. George of Mogilev (Konis), St. Martyr Athanasius of Brest, St. Peter Mogila, Meletius of Kharkov. In 2012, with the blessing of Abbot Sergius (Konstantinov), master icon painters at the Unitary Enterprise of the Vitebsk Diocese “Craft Workshops “Kuteyna”” painted an icon in honor of these saints. Today the image is located in the Holy Trinity Church on the north side.

The heirs to glorious church traditions are parishioners Nona Dunina, who is engaged in icon painting, and Valentina Kuznetsova, who sings in the choir. Currently, 4 icon painters, 4 carvers and 4 carpenters work in the Kuteyn workshop. There is a painting area. The works of Kutein masters can be found not only in Belarus, but also in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Magadan and other cities of Russia and Ukraine.

The parish has its own library. When we hear the phrase “monastery library,” our imagination pictures a room with ancient tomes, manuscripts and scrolls that are scary to touch. But what does a modern monastery library, say, in the Kutein monastery actually represent? Recently a special room was allocated for her. Galina Yurkevich became the head of the book fund. The monastery library contains about 1.5 thousand books on various subjects. The meaning of an Orthodox book is to help readers understand the Word of God. Galina Andreevna is not limited to just issuing literature. She created a museum corner on the history of Kuteina. This museum corner is the only one in our city. The central place in it was occupied by a functioning printing press. In the 80-90s of the last century, excavations were carried out on the territory of the monastery. The valuable exhibits found are posted here. Also in the museum corner are ancient church books and a facsimile edition of the Primer by Spiridon Sobol, published in 1631.

On the territory of the monastery there is a well of the Kolovrat type, which was consecrated and named after the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”. Nowadays in rural areas you rarely see a well, but in our city we have one. Every year on Bright Week, on Friday, the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring,” after the Divine Liturgy, a religious procession is held to the well, where the water is blessed.

Currently, the construction of a house for workers - people who come to the territory of the monastery to work for the Glory of God - is being completed at the Kuteinsky monastery.

Galina Gorbachevskaya takes an active part in the life of the parish. She organizes pilgrimage trips to holy places in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

In 2015, Bishop Porfiry of Lida and Smorgon, chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism of the Belarusian Exarchate, visited the Kuteinsky Monastery on a study tour.

Work on the transformation of the Kuteinsky Monastery is expected to last 10 years. For the city of Orsha, this object is significant. If it is restored, it will certainly become one of the main attractions, not inferior to the Mir and Nesvizh castles.

Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery, provincial, near the city of Orsha, near the ravine where the Kuteinka River flowed. Founded in 1623; assigned to the Intercession Monastery. There is a school and an icon-painting studio attached to it.

From the book by S.V. Bulgakov "Russian monasteries in 1913".

Founded in 1623 as an Orthodox monastery on lands donated by the noble family of Stetkevich. It was located in Kuteino - the southwestern outskirts of Orsha at the confluence of the Dnieper and Kuteinka rivers. The wooden Epiphany Cathedral began construction in 1623 and was consecrated in 1626 by Metropolitan Peter Mogila. It was five-domed, with a five-tiered iconostasis, had two floors and a hidden tomb. The walls of the cathedral were decorated with paintings depicting 38 scenes from the New Testament. Another church - in honor of the Nativity of Christ - was also wooden, two-story. After reconstruction in 1868, it was reconsecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. The monastery was a significant spiritual and educational center and a stronghold of Orthodoxy in the region. Under him worked an artel of icon painters who had their own school there. In 1630, the Belarusian educator and book printer Spiridon Sobol founded the Kuteinsky printing house at the monastery, which became the center of Belarusian Cyrillic book printing. He published: “Brain Spiritual” (1630), “Primer”, “Prayer Book” (1631), “Book of Hours” (1632), “New Law with Psalms” (1632), “Lexicon of the Pamva of Berinda” (1653), etc. The books were skillfully designed by masters of the local school of engraving.

In 1654, with the blessing of Patriarch Nikon, the first abbot of the Kuteinsky monastery, Joel (Trutsevich), with part of the brethren and the printing house, were transferred to Russia, to the Iversky monastery near Novgorod. After this event, the importance of the monastery decreased, although life there continued. In 1764, the monastery was classified as 3rd class, and in 1842 it was classified as “supernumerary” and assigned to the Orsha Intercession Monastery.
The wooden Epiphany Cathedral burned down from a lightning strike in 1885 and was never rebuilt. Under its foundation in 1910-1912. monks found an ancient pecherny monastery in honor of the Resurrection of Righteous Lazarus. The large oven had 11 square meters. m., there were also many niches and underground passages. A wooden cross reinforced with stones was found. The ovens were explored for the second time in 1926; two corridors, numerous ovens and niches were discovered. Now the ovens are filled up.

The Holy Epiphany Kuteinsky Monastery was revived in 1992. The surviving Holy Trinity Church was reconsecrated into the Epiphany Church. The Holy Trinity Baptismal Church was built in the monastery building.


The Holy Trinity Epiphany Monastery was founded in the suburbs of Orsha (Kuteino) in 1623. The first building is the wooden Epiphany Cathedral. The five-domed cathedral with a five-tiered iconostasis was built on 2 floors. Its walls were decorated with paintings of 38 biblical scenes. The next church of the monastery, the Holy Trinity, was also wooden.

The monastery complex consisted of these 2 churches, a bell tower and outbuildings. The monastery became a spiritual and educational center. There was a school and artel of icon painters there. The printing house opened under him, where spiritual books were printed, also gained fame. But later she was transferred to Moscow to the Iversky Monastery, and the importance of the Epiphany Monastery seemed to decrease. In 1885, the wooden Epiphany Cathedral burned down as a result of a lightning strike. A room of 11 square meters was discovered under its foundation. m, many niches and underground passages. A wooden cross reinforced with stones was discovered. Today these passages are filled in.

In 1917, the monastery was closed, church utensils were stolen, the bell tower and walls of the church were destroyed, the monks’ cells were given away for housing, and a garage was built on the territory of the monastery. The revival of the monastery began in 1990. In 1995, the Holy Trinity Church was restored and reconsecrated into the Epiphany Church. There is a baptismal church in the monastery building.


The monastery cathedral - Epiphany Cathedral - was a four-log cross-domed structure, three log buildings were pentagonal in shape. And at the entrance there was an open gallery. The interior of the temple was rich in its paintings. In 1639, the walls of the temple were painted with 38 different compositions, and the iconostasis was also carved from wood. There were also portraits of the Stetkevich family hanging on the walls, as the founders of this monastery. And the relics of the saints were placed near the altar. Under the foundation of the temple there was another temple, underground - the Church of the Resurrection of Righteous Lazarus. In 1778, the Epiphany Cathedral was rebuilt. But in 1885 it burned down, after which it was never rebuilt.

In addition to the main church, the monastery included a fraternal school, a hospital, a pharmacy, and in 1630 a printing house was founded, which later became one of the largest centers of Belarusian book printing in the 17th century. But the printing house operated for only 25 years; in 1655, all printing equipment was removed from the monastery, as was the carved iconostasis. Every year the monastery only fell into decay, and countless wars only worsened this. Many craftsmen left the walls of the monastery: artists, embossers, woodcarvers, engravers - they all dispersed to the cities of Russia or were transferred to Moscow. At the beginning of the 20th century, they tried to revive the monastery, but without success.

More or less of all the monastery buildings, the Holy Spirit Church has survived to this day, albeit in a rebuilt form. It was built at the beginning of the 17th century and is still in use today, being a valuable monument of Baroque architecture: pilasters, flat arched niches, molded window openings. Unfortunately, many elements of the church were lost, rebuilt or destroyed: the carved iconostasis and frescoes by Master Gregory, as well as the original roof, were not preserved, but despite this, the Church of the Holy Spirit still remains one of the most interesting attractions of the city.

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