Where is the VAZ 2114 immobilizer located? Standard VAZ “APS-4” (“APS-6”) immobilizer

Where is the VAZ 2114 immobilizer located? Standard VAZ “APS-4” (“APS-6”) immobilizer


Getting rid of the immobilizer in Lada-2114

Having connected a new alarm system, they often encounter one problem - the autostart does not work. You need to immediately check whether all connection points are used. In the latest VAZ models, such as 2114, the ignition switch contains three terminals: starter, power, ignition. It’s difficult to get confused here, but the engine can start and stop after 5 seconds. In reality, this is how standard protection works. How to deal with it is discussed further.

We are looking for the “culprit” of all problems

Let's assume that we are talking only about the VAZ-2114 hatchback. If the key, that is, the key fob, needs to be leaned against the platform, disconnect its two connectors (the light bulb and the antenna). And then, taking a screwdriver, you can dismantle the separate block attached to the right of the steering column:

Dismantling the APS module

The unit itself is called APS-4, but in its case, if we talk about the last years of production, APS-6 electronics may be located.

Let's say they are installing an alarm system with auto start, and a standard immobilizer, such as APS-6, has been activated. There are four solutions:

An immobilizer bypass is connected to the alarm, and a chip key is placed inside the bypass body;

A good option is to install keyless crawlers, only cars of the 2114 family do not have a CAN bus, and there is nowhere to connect digitally;

You can also switch the immobilizer to service mode, but in APS-6 modules, unlike APS-4, this feature is blocked;

Finally, you can get rid of the standard protection completely, but to do this you will need to reset the EEPROM of the ECU.

In general, EEPROM is a “storage device”, and the ECU is the engine controller. It turns out that you will have to work with the controller unit, but the immobilizer itself will remain the same.

Manipulations with the ECU controller

The VAZ-2114 controller unit may belong to the following family - January 5.1.X or ITELMA 5.1. The digital designation printed on the label in this case looks like this: 2111-1411020-71 (the numbers “72” may appear). If the last two digits are a “space” or the number “70,” it means that the BOSCH M1.5.4 controller is installed. In the latter case, erasing the EEPROM involves disassembling the block, but without soldering. And in the first case, you don’t even have to open the block cover.

Resetting EEPROM in a BOSCH controller

Let's see what the controller board looks like from below:

The 24C02 chip is the EEPROM memory. Circle the 5th and 6th taps, B and C, with a marker. These points are intended for connecting the programmer, which is assembled from three transistors.

The programmer circuit in question looks trivial. This means you can quickly assemble it with your own hands:

Programmer for EEPROM 24C02

The device is connected to the COM port of the computer. And the voltage “12 Volts” is taken from the MOLEX connector. Of course, ground must also be taken from this connector. The maximum current consumed by the ECU will in any case not exceed 0.5 A.

Now let’s look at the procedure for allowing the ECU to “forget” about the existence of the immobilizer:

The 18th and 27th contacts of the block are supplied with supply voltage (12 Volts);

The common wire, that is, ground, is connected to pin 19;

Connect contact B of the programmer to tap 5;

Connect contact C of the programmer to tap 6;

In the Combiset program interface, select the “Clear EEPROM” item, press the “Install” button;

They wait a few minutes.

The wiring of the main ECU connector looks like this:

ECU block, 55 pins

The Combiset application must be downloaded from the official website (almisoft.ru). Even the Demo version, available in the Download section, is suitable.

In the program itself, you must correctly set the number of the COM port that will be used. The COM-1 port is shown below, but this is not the only option.

Combiset program interface

How “January” controllers are “untied”

A common type of controller in VAZ-2114 cars are the following blocks: January 5.1.X and ITELMA 5.1. They need to be programmed the same way. You need to use an adapter from the COM port to K-Line, but you can easily make it yourself:

Adapter and ECU connection diagram

The homemade adapter operates at a speed of 38 Kbps. Select this value in the Flashecu program (www.nppnts.ru).

The procedure for clearing EEPROM will be as follows:

Make all connections according to the diagram;

Close the contacts of switch S1;

Wait 5 seconds;

Operate switch S2;

In the program interface, click the “Clear EEPROM” button.

The ECU connector diagram is shown in the previous chapter. It is the same for all VAZ ECUs equipped with 55 terminals. The program interface, in turn, looks like this:

Screenshot of the Flashecu program window

The erasing procedure takes several minutes.

The block itself, which was mentioned above and which needs to be “untied” from the immobilizer, is always located in one place - under the tunnel cover on the right:

Interior of the fourteenth model

Of course, we are talking about the 2114 family, and in other VAZ cars the unit will be more difficult to find. Installation and disconnection can be done as follows:

Remove the negative terminal from the battery;

Unscrew the fixing bolt and remove the clamp together with the block;

During installation, the steps are carried out in reverse order. But there is one trick.

After connecting the ECU, power is supplied to the network. And then, oddly enough, you need to turn on the ignition and wait for the Check lamp to come on. And only then, turning off the ignition, can you continue operation.

Note that the immobilizer itself, after flashing the unit, should not even come into contact with the latter. Therefore, having disconnected its terminal block from the immobilizer, they carry out the standard modification:

The wires are cut off from terminals 9 and 18;

The resulting branches coming from the loop side are connected.

You don’t have to change anything, but simply disconnect the connector completely, losing some features:

PTF rear headlight control;

As you can see, the immobilizer in modern VAZ cars has many functions. And they turn it off for one purpose - to activate the alarm system with auto start.

Double-row connector for standard immobilizer

The immobilizer bypass module in any VAZ car works well in one case - when it is connected to a break in the antenna circuit. But not all factory-produced modules are designed for this connection option in principle.

Safety Notes

A standard device such as the APS provides the best level of protection. But an alarm system, even the most modern one, can be considered only an additional security device. It does not exchange data with the ECU and does not prevent the engine from starting. At the same time, when installing an alarm system with auto-start, blocking is always implemented. The two cords going to the main unit are connected to the break in the starter cable. And until the security is turned off, you cannot start the engine.

Typical signaling connection diagram

All wiring connected to the ignition switch carries significant current. But doing the installation yourself does not always ensure good quality connections. In general, it is better to entrust the autostart connection to an experienced electrician. We wish you success.

Polite lighting and door switches

Any alarm or security system is always equipped with an input connected to the door limit switches. In VAZ cars, the control wire can be connected to one point (A). Diodes are not used in this case:

Door control connection diagram

Be sure to carry out the setup: the delay in polling the limit switches should be 20-30 seconds. If this is not done, false alarms will occur when the security system is turned on. The reason is the operation of the APS unit, which does not turn off the light after the driver's door is closed. The option in question is called “polite backlighting.”

There are even modern alarm systems that do not allow delaying sensor polling. Installing diodes will help solve the problem.

In theory, pins 7 and 13 of the BSK are the connection points that need to be decoupled by two diodes. But as practice shows, it is better to implement a circuit with three additional diodes (see figure). The alarm is connected to point B, and setting the polling delay in this case is not required. Good luck.

Nowadays, the immobilizer is installed on almost all new AvtoVAZ models, starting with the VAZ 2109, VAZ 2110 and ending with the latest modifications of the VAZ2114, VAZ 2115, etc. Meanwhile, the widespread use of complex security systems, as well as quite frequent software failures of immobilizers as such (with the use of diagnostic equipment, battery discharge, external electromagnetic interference and even when using a mobile phone), force car owners to solve the problem of partially or completely disabling the functions of such devices.

At its core, the principle of operation of the immobilizer is quite simple. During its operation, it exchanges data with the central computer, blocking, in the absence of successful initialization (reading the electronic password), the ignition and fuel supply circuits. It must be taken into account that when “learning” the VAZ immobilizer writes its individual code into the controller’s EEPROM memory, and in its own memory it simultaneously stores information about the trained keys. In other words, the very first thing that needs to be done when disabling the immobilizer is to delete from the EEPROM memory of the ECU all available information about the presence of this device and, first of all, it is necessary to disconnect the connector connecting the ECU and the immobilizer. As for placement, on the VAZ2109 the immobilizer is hidden behind the dashboard, but on the VAZ 2110 (VAZ2112, etc.) it is mounted directly above the ECU, and to gain access to it you will have to remove the side panel. The most difficult thing is to get to the immobilizer on a Chevrolet Niva.

Restoring the diagnostic line deserves special mention when removing the immobilizer. For this purpose, install a jumper between pins 9.1 and 18 in the ECU connector.

In order to competently revive the controller and completely remove from its volatile memory the information remaining from the immobilizer, you can use a laptop and one of the computer programs specially created for rewriting the EEPROM (using the firmware of a clean, that is, untrained controller). This rewrite option is relevant for controllers VS.1 or January 5.1.x. It is somewhat difficult to correct the situation on cars equipped with Bosch M1.5.4 controllers, and in this case you will have to open the unit and install a special EEPROM cleaning chip into it, with the ignition turned on for a short time. Normal engine operation will be restored after the software chip is returned to its place. In some cases, such a technological procedure is complicated by the fact that often this microcircuit is not easily removable but is soldered, and here you have to either arm yourself with a soldering iron or use the COMBISET program, which allows you to clean the EEPROM using a workaround.

If after all the specified procedures have been completed and the engine starts successfully, you can try to reconnect the immobilizer. If such a desire arises, it is necessary to take into account that you will have to repeat the procedure for training the device using a red key, and this is not always possible. If the training did not work the first time, you can try to remove the eeprom from the immobilizer board and clean the circuit using a programmer. You can simply install a completely new, and therefore clean, microcircuit. In some cases, a positive effect can be achieved using software aka Uncle Sam or Combiset.

By the way, the immobilizer is retrained even after replacing, for some reason, the central controller, since in this case the immobilizer will not fulfill its main fiction of prohibiting unauthorized engine starting.

Be that as it may, all work with VAZ immobilizers requires special caution, since manufacturers of such devices have provided for the presence of certain “pitfalls” in the path of craftsmen. Thus, an error when training the APS-6 system leads to its blocking. Unprofessional erasing of the eeprom of the Mikas 7.6 system (installed on the Daewoo Sens) will completely block the engine from starting. But on Kalina, deactivating the immobilizer can lead to disruption of the central locking.

The manufacturer equips the VAZ-2114 with an injection power system with an immobilizer - a standard system against car theft. But many owners of this model of passenger car complain that the built-in factory immobilizer begins to freeze over time, which is why the car simply does not start. What is an immobilizer on a VAZ-2114? Why are there problems with it? How to properly disable it? Read about this in our article.

Immobilizer functions on the VAZ-2114

VAZ-2114 automakers consider it their duty to install an anti-theft system, called a standard immobilizer, on every vehicle they produce. This device communicates with the engine (with its injection controller) using certain programs. Thanks to the program, an enabling signal is sent to the controller, which does not independently initiate the engine start. That is, the program of the built-in anti-theft device blocks the start of the engine.

The mechanism of operation of the immobilizer is to break the connection of the vehicle's electrical circuit in one of the significant places. This location may be the ignition or starter electrical circuit. Due to the rupture, the car will not start and will remain stationary. The calculation is that if a thief wants to steal a car, it will be protected by an immobilizer program that will prevent the engine from starting.

So that the owner of the VAZ-2114 can control the standard anti-theft system, electronic code keys are attached to it. According to the instructions, the car driver must use the electronic code key in the following way:

  • insert it into a special socket (for a contact type of device) or bring it to the system status indicator - ISS (for a contactless type of device);
  • The immobilizer system reads the key program code;
  • The vehicle lock will be disabled.

But in addition to the code key, to start the engine (it is called the “working” key), the owner is provided with a second key - the “learning” key.

They differ in standard colors:

  • worker – black;
  • educational - red.

Initially, you should carry out a training procedure for the anti-theft system so that the immobilizer is triggered by a working key, since the new car is in an inactive state. It can only be activated using the red “learning” key. As soon as this happens, the functions of enabling and disabling the anti-theft device will transfer to the working “black” key. Thus, a standard immobilizer is intended to protect the vehicle from unauthorized engine starting. The offender, even after climbing into the car, may try to start its engine. But he won’t be able to go anywhere because the immobilizer system in the VAZ-2114 will block the engine.

Possible problems with the immobilizer on the VAZ-2114

The standard anti-theft device on the VAZ-2114, according to user reviews, can sometimes block the engine so that even the owner of a working key cannot start it. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of this device - it draws conclusions about its actions based on the code of the working key of the owner of the car, and issues commands to start the engine. The driver's problems with the immobilizer begin as soon as the system stops accepting the code. In these cases, the electronic control unit will block the engine and it will not start. You can influence the standard system against vehicle theft by connecting a diagnostic device or a regular computer.

Experts note a number of cases where the immobilizer system malfunctioned when the mobile phone was turned on, which created interference.

How to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114

Disabling the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114 may be necessary in several cases:

  • there is a need for a more advanced anti-theft system (for example, equipped with auto start);
  • if the immobilizer is full of “software junk,” the control unit fails;
  • the car is equipped with a device with an anti-theft function that has a manufacturing defect;
  • the blocking system generates an error as a result of the battery being completely discharged;
  • There was a sudden blocking of the standard anti-theft system.

There are several ways in which you can disable the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114 without any problems.

The first method is to physically disable the immobilizer. To do this, we perform several simple steps:

  • remove the connector from this anti-theft device;
  • We put a jumper for diagnostics.

The second method is to take the engine control unit to a service center or go there by car, and qualified specialists will deal with the control unit. Typically, disabling the standard anti-theft system takes about fifteen minutes.

The third method is to disable the control unit on the immobilizer yourself. To do this, you should follow these instructions:

  1. Find the electronic control unit (ECU) of the anti-theft device (it may be located inside the center console).
  2. Remove the signal wire connector from the ECU.
  3. Count the ninth and eighteenth contacts (out of twenty available).
  4. Cut off the ninth and eighteenth contacts of the wiring - from the block at a distance of four to five centimeters.
  5. Strip the ends of the cut contact wires.
  6. Twist the ends of the cut wires.
  7. Insulate the twisted ends of the wires (this action will restore the diagnostic line, and the immobilizer will stop transmitting its data to the electronic control unit).
  8. Reinstall the connectors in their original places.

This method is simple even for a novice car enthusiast, but it cannot always correctly disable the standard anti-theft device.

The fourth method is to reflash the electronic control unit of the standard immobilizer on the VAZ-2114. Of course, it is best to entrust such an operation to qualified specialists from the service center. But if the vehicle owner does not have such an opportunity, then you can try to reflash the anti-theft device ECU yourself at home. The term “reflash” itself means erasing all information about this device from the memory of the electronic control unit. To do this you need to prepare the following tools:

  • special software;
  • computer;
  • soldering gun or soldering station;
  • microcircuit programmer.

After we have prepared the necessary tools, we move on to specific actions:

  1. We dismantle the electronic engine control unit, to which the standard immobilizer from the passenger car is connected.
  2. Open the back cover of the ECU.
  3. We find the required microcircuit that is responsible for the registered data about the anti-theft device (you can read about what kind of circuit this is in the corresponding instructions for the device).
  4. We unsolder the old microcircuit.
  5. Choose one of the options for the next step:
    • or solder in a new microcircuit;
    • or we clean an existing microcircuit using a Windows computer and a special program for resetting the memory of microcircuits.
  6. We physically disable the immobilizer so that the ECU memory does not record new information about it.
  7. We install the re-flashed electronic control unit on the car again.

This method is more painstaking, but it is distinguished by its effectiveness. But this only completed the immobilizer flashing operation; it will still need to be reprogrammed using a “learning” red key. And only after this can you officially disable the standard anti-theft device.

  1. When the standard anti-theft system is disabled, the vehicle becomes accessible to criminal thefts.
  2. The ECU system of a car engine is quite complex, so independent intervention in its programs, such as flashing microcircuits, can lead to irreversible consequences.

If you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, experts do not advise opening and reprogramming the electronic control unit yourself, but contacting a car service center.

With the advent of the injection engine, the VAZ "Ten" began to install an immobilizer - that is, a device that blocks the engine from starting. However, it is not that rare that this system needs to be blocked or bypassed somehow. The car owner then faces the question - how to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ 2110?


There are contact and non-contact (today more popular) immobilizers. The former are controlled by a key, for the latter they came up with a special keychain, sometimes a card. They are usually successfully combined with all currently existing anti-theft alarms.

VAZ equipped only models with an injector with this device. When a VAZ 2110 just leaves the production line, its immobilizer does not yet have the protective option enabled. Especially for this, there is a so-called supplied set of keys: two black in color are those that the owner will use in the future, and one is a red master key, with the help of which the immobilizer is “trained,” that is, it activates its protection function. As a rule, “training” is carried out by car dealership employees during the pre-sale preparation of the car. But you can do this yourself, knowing how it works.

The first anti-theft devices installed on the VAZ 2110 were called APS-4. More advanced ones - APS-6, appeared a little later. The reading part is located in the steering column, and the code is in the ignition key. In addition, APS-6 can be used to control electric windows and rear fog lights.

Immobilizer APS-4 with a set of keys

There are often cases when the APS-6 immobilizer is located in an old housing (apparently, the housings were made for years to come). In this case, the number 4 is written on the case, but the board itself should have the inscription APS-6. In addition, even microcircuits with such markings produced in different years may differ slightly.

Immobilizer APS-6

The basis of operation of the VAZ 2110 immobilizer is the exchange of information between the ECU and the device itself. In this case, either permission to start the engine is triggered, or the ignition circuit is blocked along with the fuel pump, without which you will not start the car, and accordingly, you will not go anywhere. Thus, without initializing the key of this car, the engine will not start.

There are several reasons why you may need to disable the immobilizer:

  • firstly, this type of protection occurs due to a defect (or rather, a design flaw) from the factory. Especially the first VAZ 2110, which had an immobilizer installed. In cars of later release, they even added the option of alternatively starting the engine, bypassing the protection. It works only once in this way: if the system is “stuck,” you need to enter an individual six-digit digital password, then activate the option by pressing the gas pedal the required number of times. Moreover, this needs to be done six times. For example, your password is 155999. You must press the gas 1 time, after waiting a little - five times, after waiting a little - 5 more times, then - three times 9 times with breaks. If after some time the “glitch” happens again, the car will be able to start if you repeat the same number of gas presses. You can learn more about this function in the instructions provided for each immobilizer;
  • secondly, if the battery is completely discharged, the computer may remember this as an error and prevent the engine from starting. The electronic engine control unit and the anti-theft exchange information via the K-Line diagnostic line, therefore, if they lose power, they perceive this as an error;
  • thirdly, the ECU can block it for obvious reasons that are not so easy for an ordinary car enthusiast to understand. For example, you can easily reset the code by connecting diagnostic equipment while the ignition is on. And even a seemingly innocent mobile phone that is turned on can “knock down” the immobilizer (especially the first editions);
  • the system may simply break down.

That is, there are many reasons to disable the immobilizer. But you can’t just pull out the connector and call it done. The VAZ 2110 will respond to such an action by turning off the entire engine starting system. Here you need to know some rules in order to follow them.

To disable the immobilizer with your own hands, you must first disconnect the connector from the protection - so to speak, give a signal about the physical absence of the immobilizer, and then erase the data about it from the ECU flash memory. But for many, this is probably understandable in theory, but it is not at all clear how to do this in practice.

One more thing: disabling the device when done unauthorized or incorrectly results in the vehicle being locked. And that’s it - no one is going anywhere anymore, you need to “fasten your tie” or order a tow truck and send the VAZ 2110 to specialists for service.

But there is a way out! Even two exit options.

1. Cutting wires. It is done like this:

2. Do-it-yourself flashing (reprogramming). It will cost less than replacing the VAZ 2110 control unit. Necessary equipment:

Then you need to do the following:

  • remove and disassemble the ECU;
  • we find the controller connector, connect the PAK bootloader to it, read the factory firmware (its extension BIN);
  • We also read it through the EEPROM connector;
  • save the read factory firmware on the computer;
  • We upload clean EEPROM into the ECU through the connector;
  • We disconnect the bootloader, assemble the controller, and install it in place.

If we are dealing with Bosch M1.5.4, we need to open it, and then we can independently, with our own hands, install the chip we prepared with the ECU in place of the standard one. Then turn on the ignition for just a couple of seconds. If the problem was in the program, then after installing the chip the engine will start.

If the ROM is soldered into the car unit, you will have to either unsolder it and perform chip tuning, or use the special COMBISET program with the function of cleaning the EEPROM through the connector without resoldering the chip.

ROM in the immobilizer unit

In addition, for the VAZ 2110 you can purchase special plugs suitable for the APS connector. They restore connections between the diagnostic block and the ECU.

Combiloader software version is available (2.1.8). With its help, in addition to the usual cleaning of the EEPROM, you can erase the EEPROM without deleting the immobilizer data. That is, if you cleared the EEPROM and the engine started, you can try connecting the immobilizer again. But for normal operation, you must repeat the “training” again using the red key.

Almost all new cars are equipped with immobilizers. These electronic devices make it possible to prevent the theft of a vehicle by disabling the “vital” systems of the car. As soon as the attacker gets into the car, he will try to start the engine and drive away. The immobilizer will either not allow this to be done at all, or the thief will be able to drive away several hundred meters, after which the fuel supply will stop and the engine will stall.

Such immobilizers can be contact or non-contact. The former have already ceased to be produced, while the latter are very popular among car owners. However, sometimes situations arise when a car enthusiast wonders how to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ 2112 or another brand. The fact is that in the brainchild of the domestic automobile industry, problems related to electronics and various devices often occur. Let's look at the main reasons for disabling the immobilizer.

VAZ began to equip immo only with injection-type cars. The first anti-theft devices of this series appeared on the VAZ 2110 and they were called APS-4. Today, more modern APS-6 models are more common. Now all cars of the 2110 to 2115 series are equipped with this particular device.

The most common problem with this device is the loss of the key or if the car owner, without knowing it, erased its code. Speaking specifically about VAZ standard immos, you can more often encounter a problem related to the fact that the lights in the cabin do not go out and, as a result, the alarm does not go off. In addition, malfunctions of the immobilizer software often occur, as a result of which its central unit does not read information about the key or considers it “not native”. As a result, when you stop to refuel, you risk being left in a stalled car.

To reprogram (marry, bypass, flash, upgrade, adapt) a device, you must first turn it off. In addition, immobilizers are usually disabled when installing a car alarm.

Before you disable the immobilizer on the VAZ 2110, you should study all the methods for such a restart, and the first thing you should start with is this useful option from VAZ. Since it is in these cars that immobilizers most often fail, manufacturers have come up with a simple solution to this problem. Thanks to special software, you can perform an alternative start of the device and make one trip in emergency mode. However, to do this you will first need to enter a six-digit password. It is activated by pressing the gas pedal. This means that if the “reboot” code is “999999” then the corresponding number of times, at the same intervals, you need to press the gas. This procedure does not cause positive emotions, but in a hopeless situation or when installing an alarm system, this may be the only way to outwit the immobilizer.

Another method is the bypass module (immo crawler). A small electronic device is equipped with transmitting and receiving antennas located inside and outside. The device key or chip is also located inside the case. As soon as you start the car with the alarm, the internal antenna reads the code and transmits it to the ignition switch.

Important! If the car is started with the key, such a crawler will not work.

If one of the keys is lost, the remaining spare can be disassembled and the chip removed from it and secured to the ignition switch. After this, you can use any ignition key and the immo will be disabled.

This concerns generally accepted tricks that will help in solving such issues as disabling the immobilizer on a VAZ 2114. If you want to manually disable the immo, then you must adhere to the following recommendations.

Before disabling the immobilizer, you must disconnect the connector from the protection, that is, give the system a signal that the immobilizer is missing. After this, you can erase the data on the device and replace it with new ones. But in practice everything is not so simple.

If you turn off the device incorrectly, the system may perceive this as unauthorized access and the car will be completely blocked. In this situation, it will be difficult to do anything, all that remains is to call a tow truck. Therefore, be extremely careful. There are two schemes for disabling the immobilizer.

To do this, find the immobilizer control unit. Most often it is located behind the center console, next to the radio. After this, you need to find the connector on the block and remove it. In this connector you will find 20 contacts, first find the ninth and then the eighteenth. These two wires need to be cut, connected and insulated.

After this, all that remains is to remove the immobilizer and restore the line used for diagnostics (K-line). To do this, install a jumper that will restore communication between the ECU and the diagnostic block. We cut the wires and connect them, after which the connector is placed in its rightful place.

For this you will need:

Next, you need to disassemble the ECU, find the controller connector and connect the PAK loader to it. We read the factory firmware with the BIN extension. It is also necessary to read information through the EEPROM connector. After this, you need to save the factory firmware on the computer and upload a clean EEPROM to the ECU. After this, you can disconnect the bootloader, assemble the controller and install it in place.

A soldering iron will be required if the auto ROM unit will be sealed. Or you can use the COMBISET program with the EEPROM cleaning function, then you won’t have to unsolder anything.

If we are talking about a specific APS-6 immobilizer, then it will be useful to know the purpose of the immo outputs.

  • The green wire belongs to the antenna coil in the ignition switch.
  • Blue is responsible for the additional power relay (for power windows).
  • Green-white comes from the headlight switch.
  • Orange and white refers to the rear fog lights.
  • Pink is a constant plus from the battery.
  • The yellow wire connects to ground when the rear fog lights are turned on.
  • Yellow-black refers to K-line, if it is CL 7, then we have a wire from the diagnostic block, and if CL 8, then from the EUR control unit.
  • The white one goes to the antenna coil located in the ignition switch.
  • Green-black comes from the VC door on the driver's side.
  • Brown – from VK dimensions.
  • Black – mass.
  • Orange refers to terminal 15 of the ignition switch.

Please note that APS-6 immobilizers can often be located in the housing of APS-4. Apparently, in those years they made more cases than the devices themselves, and thus the manufacturers decided to sell them. Therefore, look at the board, which may indicate APS-6 and not 4. In addition, it is worth considering that the above rules may differ as well as chips produced in different years. Therefore, be careful and, if possible, entrust this matter to a professional.

Buying a vehicle in our country is quite difficult. Therefore, it is no wonder that there are entire organizations of criminals who trade in theft and subsequent resale under gray schemes.

And it doesn’t matter whether you own a BMW or a domestic VAZ, criminals will do nothing to make money through criminal means. Therefore, safety comes first, and it is for its implementation that the VAZ 2114 immobilizer is designed.

In addition, on board the VAZ 2114 of the maximum configuration there is a two-way alarm system and many other interesting things designed to prevent the possibility of using the car by an unauthorized person.

But in some circumstances, even the legal owner has a question: “how to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ 2114?” Therefore, let's figure out why this is needed and how to cope with this task.

Purpose of immobilizers

An immobilizer is a vehicle unit designed to prevent third-party manipulation of the vehicle in case of unauthorized access. Theoretically, it should look like this: an attacker got into the car and even gained access to the ignition, but the car does not drive, no matter how hard he tries.

Moreover, the device unit is quite mobile. By properly hiding it in the car body, you will completely eliminate the possibility of finding it and disabling it. The main thing is to be unpredictable.

INTERESTING! Depending on the device, the effect of blocking the car is achieved by blocking: the wheels, the rocker, the fuel pump or the air supply. The system is multifaceted and is used in completely different ways.

Immobilizer VAZ 2114

The VAZ plant offers several types of immobilizers that differ in their operating principles:

  1. The first ones ensure that the car is locked in the absence of the owner. The car will not respond to any manipulations with it if the key is not physically nearby.
  2. The latter offer a more complicated option - the car will start, but will only let you drive for a little while, after which it will become “stolen to the spot.” The attacker will not look for the control unit on the street and will have to leave.
  3. There are also quite insidious modifications that lock the thief in the car. They give the owner the opportunity to arrive at the scene and call the police.

According to the operating principle of the device, there are contact and non-contact devices, which is the main factor influencing the price.

The devices work, depending on the design:

  • contact immobilizer 2114 - the “trigger” is the fact of starting the car without the participation of the original key. A definite minus is that VAZ designers could not come up with hundreds of thousands of unique keys. The device remembers the main features of the original key, and professional attackers are ready to contact the variable device;
  • a contactless immobilizer is much more complex and promising. The machine will be working as long as the original key is within the reach of the device. As soon as the “owner” (native key) leaves the radio receiver area, the security mode is activated. The car will become just a beautiful pile of metal, unable to go anywhere.

Why is it needed and when is it not needed?

The standard immobilizer for the VAZ 2114 leaves the assembly line untrained. There is no data about master keys in its memory. Therefore, the complete delivery set of the car contains 3 keys: red (training) and two black (working). The owner will have to learn the system, with which the salon employees or the previous owner will help him when selling the car second-hand.

In domestic cars, the immobilizer communicates directly with the car's ECU, which locks or unlocks the system. This is the biggest disease of the entire system, because domestic automatic systems leave much to be desired. Communication between the immobilizer and the ECU can interfere with the connection of diagnostic equipment, signal interference, and even normal interference from a mobile phone.

Another weak point of the device is the battery. If it goes down completely, the K-Line (communication line with the ECU) will be disrupted and the same consequences will occur as with unauthorized access. Regardless of the reasons for decoding the connection between devices, you cannot avoid a trip to the service center on a tow truck.

INTERESTING! Until the latest series of VAZ cars, domestically produced immobilizers were the favorite way to make money for service stations. They solved the problem in the most profitable (for themselves) way - by completely replacing the ECU.

There were so many unreasonable system failures (especially in cars before 2001) that VAZ designers developed separate software for emergency starting of the car. A machine controller configured in advance for this function will allow a single start followed by a safe trip.

The device does not have external controllers, and therefore the password is entered by pressing the gas pedal. A special algorithm must be followed, which turns this function into a perversion. You can read more about the setting algorithms in the instructions for the immobilizer.

Having assessed the above-described system errors, the VAZ design bureau in 2004 replaced the brand of the serial device with APS-6 (previously APS-4 was installed). They developed new software.

The most noticeable innovations were: a code key, which moved from the gas pedal to the steering column and door controls (including power windows).

Although the new functionality has become noticeably better than the previous one, failures and “miracle masters” still force car owners of the fourteenth to change the ECU. Sometimes the owner can unintentionally delete the code on his own, after which the question of expensive car repairs will arise. Also, do not forget about some of the tricks that domestic car enthusiasts go to in order to deceive the cunning system.

How to bypass the immobilizer on a VAZ?

If the problem is not brought to a critical state, and the car is still running, you can resort to a number of tricks.

Domestic motorists cope with critical situations as follows:

  1. If you are a prudent driver, install an alternative immo – this is a special module to bypass the immobilizer in a critical situation. These are two small transceiver devices connected in parallel with a protective device to the computer and ignition system. If the car is blocked by a standard system, you will have a mechanism at hand that can start the vehicle, contrary to the established prohibitions. The only negative is that you will have to fork out extra money for electric ignition.
  2. If you have lost a key and are afraid of losing the second one, take the remaining one apart. The main thing is to carefully remove the chip and not damage it, after which it can be placed on glue near the ignition. A significant disadvantage of the solution is that the car will start with any key.

If the above options do not suit you, then you will have to approach the problem with full responsibility and disable immobilizer 2114 manually.

We disable the immobilizer on the VAZ-2114 with our own hands

To disable the VAZ 2114 immobilizer, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Before turning off the system, remove the protection connector;
  • You need to be extremely careful so that the system does not recognize the shutdown as unauthorized access.

There are two algorithms for dismantling the device from the machine.
1. Trimming contacts:

  • we find the control unit next to the radio or where you hid it;
  • remove the connector from the block and find the ninth and eighteenth contacts (there are 20 in total);
  • we cut the contacts, insulate the ends and dismantle the immobilizer;
  • place a jumper between the ECU and the diagnostic block, which will restore the K-line connection;
  • connect the cut wires and return the connector to its place.

2. Manual flashing:

  • We take a computer, a software package, a soldering iron and a programmer;
  • disassemble the ECU and connect the programmer to the controller;
  • read the BIN firmware file and information from the EEPROM and save the information in a safe place;
  • install a clean, pre-downloaded EEPROM;
  • We assemble the device, if the ROM was sealed, you will need a soldering iron, if not, you are lucky and everything will be faster. As an alternative to a soldering iron, you can use COMBISET; it automatically clears the EEPROM, leaving clean factory firmware.

Useful video

You can get other interesting information from the video below:

Modern cars cannot be imagined without a security system that would prevent theft. If old VAZ cars had nothing but locks, then modern ones, like Priora and Kalina, already have an immobilizer. In order to understand the problems of the immobilizer, you must first develop an understanding of this concept.

What is an immobilizer

If you buy a decent car, the manufacturer has already equipped it with protection in the form of an immobilizer. This is the most common and effective means in the fight against car theft.

In simple terms, the immobilizer prevents all kinds of attempts to start the car if a key containing a unique chip has not been inserted into the lock. Even if you insert a “blank” key into the lock, the device will see that there is no chip and refuse to start the engine.

When you turn on the ignition and the lights on the dashboard come on and then go off, at the same moment the immobilizer reads the code from the chip, and if it is correct, it allows you to start the engine. If the chip is incorrect, the immobilizer blocks all ways to move away, except with the help of a tow.

Many car enthusiasts, after purchasing a car, express a desire to increase the security of their car and install an alarm. However, if you have a car with an immobilizer, this can be a little problematic.

The immobilizer does not allow the use of an automatic alarm system. To solve this problem, you can use an immobilizer bypass module, improving the security of your car.

Symptoms of immobilizer problems

It is worth noting that the system perfectly protects the car from theft and is quite reliable. However, if you notice that it is not working as expected, it is better not to resort to the help of amateurs, but to immediately turn to professionals, because this issue requires that you pay due attention to it.

The main signs of problems with the immobilizer:

  1. When trying to start the engine, the starter does not turn the engine.
  2. When you try to start the engine, you hear the starter “turning” the engine, but it does not start.
  3. You notice that the corresponding light is blinking on the dashboard.
  4. When you try to open/close the car using the key fob, it does not respond (change the batteries first).

These are the most common symptoms found on many cars. If you see an existing problem in the list, it may be that your immobilizer needs flashing or software restoration.

If you simply try to ignore the problem at hand, it may result in a more significant problem in the future.

Fault groups

All immobilizer malfunctions can be divided into two categories, each of which has a different method of eliminating the problem, as well as the degree of its complexity. As a rule, in most cases the device can be restored:

  • Software faults. Problems like this occur due to a software glitch. This may be a desynchronization of the device with the chip code and the motor unit where the signal goes. There may be another immobilizer error, but most of them can be resolved quite simply and quickly: you need to contact a specialist who will quickly reprogram the device and erase the errors.
  • Hardware failures. This concerns mechanical damage to the device, which causes malfunctions in its operation. This may include defects on the device’s circuit board, damage to the wires and power system, and malfunctions of the switching cable. Mechanical problems are also quickly resolved in service centers.

When purchasing a car with this security system, you must receive a set of two keys. If you were given an incomplete set, or you lost one of them, you urgently need to make a new one and reflash the device, otherwise there is a chance that your car may be stolen.

Remember that if you start to observe interruptions in the operation of your device or you want to install this device on your car, it is best to contact official service centers, protecting yourself from possible scammers.

To summarize, it can be noted that the immobilizer is a complex system, but if used correctly, it will provide good security. Please read the instructions for using this device to ensure it works correctly. If for any reason you need to repair your device, it is better to contact competent specialists; this will guarantee uninterrupted operation in the future, and you will be protected from the risk of becoming a victim of theft.


An example of solving a hardware immobilizer problem:

How to flash working keys for Lada Granta, see below:

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