Additional education in sports. Additional professional education programs

Additional education in sports. Additional professional education programs

The constantly changing conditions of the Russian labor market, technical improvements, and growing competition force us to prove our professional suitability again and again. That is why additional vocational education is becoming increasingly popular, allowing specialists to improve their qualifications or undergo professional training and obtain qualifications that give them the right to work in a new field of activity.

Short-term vocational training

This is an accelerated acquisition of skills needed in new working conditions. This includes thematic courses at the place of main work, seminars, trainings on specific problems of the enterprise and region. Training is often carried out by highly qualified employees of the enterprise. Upon completion, a Certificate is issued (certifying completion of courses, listening to seminars, etc.).


Training of specialists for in-depth study of current problems of science and technology in the profile of professional activity, training of specialists to perform new job functions. Such programs are designed for people who have experience in a certain field and lack practical skills and knowledge. Upon completion, a Certificate of Advanced Training is issued.

Professional retraining:

- Improving knowledge in your specialty

Expanding the qualifications of specialists in order to adapt them to new economic and social conditions. It is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions and positions, taking into account international requirements and standards. At the end of the program, a final state certification is carried out. A Diploma of Professional Retraining is issued, certifying the right to conduct professional activities in a certain field.

- Obtaining additional qualifications

Almost an analogue of a second higher education: obtaining a qualification on the basis of the higher education the student already has (disciplines studied during higher education can be re-credited). Upon completion, a final certification is also carried out. It is possible to master the program in parallel with higher education. A Diploma of Professional Retraining is issued, certifying the receipt of additional qualifications (diploma of additional education).

Advanced training and professional retraining usually expand, complement or modernize the knowledge acquired at a university, that is, you are assumed to have a higher education. Therefore, additional education, as we know, is not free. However, you should know that a specialist has the right to improve his qualifications every five years at the expense of the employer.

But to go to courses, you don’t need to have any special knowledge - you can start mastering a profession from scratch. In other words, courses are intensive methods of mastering a practical specialty, acquiring certain skills, and developing abilities, and in a relatively short time. Typically, classes last no more than 6-9 months, although there are courses with shorter (1-2 months) or longer (up to 2 years) preparation. Thus, the purpose of the courses is to provide students with skills and abilities that can be immediately applied in practice.

Conventionally, the courses can be divided into three large groups:

Professional Activities through which you will quickly acquire the skills of a specific profession. These are courses in accounting, auditing or sales technology, or programs for mastering such<чисто практических>professions such as cook, bartender, makeup artist, pastry chef.
Educational They can be useful to anyone, regardless of what field they work in. In such courses you can learn a foreign language, gain skills in working with computer programs of various levels of complexity, and learn how to drive a car.
Developmental They will help develop certain abilities - fast reading, super memory, speed typing, etc. Teaching at these courses, as a rule, is conducted using proprietary methods of various types. They are not about your professional skills, but rather trying to develop your natural abilities. These are courses in speed reading, super memory, mnemonics, increasing intelligence, etc. One can argue about the usefulness and necessity of such courses: for some they really help improve, for example, memory, while others do not feel any improvement. Everything depends on you.

At the end of the course, a document is usually issued confirming completion of training and acquisition of certain knowledge and skills. And then everything depends on the owner of this document: how to use the knowledge, where to get a job, where to apply the acquired skills - these are all his problems.

After graduating from an educational institution, the graduate expects to never sit down at a desk again. However, the realities of the modern economy are such that additional professional education is a necessity in almost any field of activity. A young specialist wants to climb the career ladder; to do this, he needs to learn new things, master related specialties and hone his existing skills.

The essence of additional education

Modern technologies and work methods are constantly updated, new production methods are developed, and management approaches are improved. Specialists must constantly acquire new knowledge and skills in order to be in demand in the labor market.

The majority of workers employed in hazardous industries, responsible for the life and health of other people working with modern technologies, regularly receive additional professional education. allowing you to keep up with the times. It can be in the form of self-education, or in the form of various courses, schools, seminars and trainings.

Additional professional education is a continuous process that allows you to obtain up-to-date information related to professional, managerial and production activities.

Educational institution of additional professional education

Employees interested in the future regularly improve their skills, try to learn new things and keep abreast of changes in production methods and technologies. You can educate yourself using special publications and electronic resources. However, official advanced training with a certificate can only be completed in specialized institutions.

Among them are:

  • Institute of Additional Professional Education. The educational institution is entirely aimed at postgraduate education. Most often they are divided by activity profile - for educators, for civil servants, for medical workers, etc.
  • Faculty at a university engaged in training and retraining of specialists. Often provides services to its own graduates.
  • The Center for Continuing Professional Education is a state or non-state educational institution that provides the opportunity to both acquire a new profession and improve qualifications. Often located at employment centers.
  • A production unit at an enterprise that trains and improves the skills of its employees.

The Institute provides services not only to graduates and specialists, but also to those wishing to acquire a second or related profession, not necessarily on the basis of a higher or secondary specialized diploma.

Additional professional education programs

Depending on the type of training, additional professional education programs are selected. They differ in a variety of ways:

Regardless of the type of training, it must meet the requirements of a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Options for further education

When thinking about advanced training, it is necessary to resolve the issue of organizing additional professional education. This will determine the options for restructuring the work process, taking into account departing employees.

The following options are available:

  • with or without interruption from production. Typically, such options are chosen by employees for whom professional training is mandatory.
  • Obtaining additional or related education. Suitable for workers in small industries and due to the need to combine several positions.
  • Retraining is associated with obtaining additional education and the need to change the direction of professional activity. It can be either on the basis of higher or secondary specialized education.

Any of the selected options can be full-time, part-time or remote. Students are provided with the one that most fully meets their needs and capabilities.

The difference between additional education and other forms of postgraduate education

Additional vocational education is one of the options for postgraduate training. This method of advanced training is typical for workers who want to learn new secrets in their chosen field of activity.

Its main difference from other types of postgraduate education is voluntariness. Advanced training is often mandatory for many specialists. Obtaining additional education in addition to an existing diploma allows you to successfully compete in the labor market, offering much more professional services.

Guarantees for employees undergoing additional training

Laws and other regulatory documents provide certain guarantees to employees receiving additional professional education. First of all, it is maintaining a job while studying away from work. In addition, not only the position is retained, but also the average salary. Of course, no one can oblige the employer to pay bonuses and bonuses, but the basic salary for the entire period of study is required to be paid.

If an employee is sent to another area for additional training, the employer is obliged to pay. This includes travel to and from the place of study if it is located outside the locality of the main work. In addition, expenses for hotel accommodation and, in some cases, food are reimbursed.

for additional employee training

For a certain category of specialists, regular advanced training is mandatory. Additional professional education of workers in these categories is the responsibility of the employer. It is he who must provide all the necessary conditions.

  • Medical workers - senior and nursing staff.
  • Pedagogical workers - teachers, university professors and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
  • Civil servants.
  • Workers associated with dangerous and special working conditions.

Upon completion of training, they are presented with an identification document, which serves as justification for the provision of compensation.

In cases where the law does not provide for mandatory additional training, the employer himself decides on the need and frequency of courses for his employees. Typically, this issue is enshrined in local regulatory documents, for example, a charter or a collective labor agreement.

Advanced training is carried out for specialists at least once every five years. Most often, the employer organizes mass training for its employees. It is important to remember that study time is paid, even if it falls on weekends or holidays. Specialists can undergo additional professional training on their own initiative and in their free time. In this case, the employer is not obliged to pay for working time spent on study.

Future career options for workers who have received additional education

There is an important question that concerns specialists who are sent or decide to independently receive additional education. What's next? What are the options for career advancement and how will the value of such an employee increase?

Additional education in itself does not guarantee a rapid career rise. However, this provides a platform for a faster start, expanded opportunities and new knowledge. All this will have a positive effect on your future work activity.

Let's consider the main types of additional education that are relevant in the economic and social situation currently prevailing in the country.

In an era of technical innovation and increasing competition, there is a need to re-confirm one’s professional suitability.

That is why additional vocational education becomes essential. It allows specialists to increase their level of professionalism, acquire new skills and knowledge that give them the right to work in a new field.

Theoretical aspects

Additional professional education is one of the forms of postgraduate education. It is addressed to those people who already have a first basic secondary or higher education.

Additional vocational education is an organized and sustainable process of acquiring new skills, abilities, and knowledge that allow a person to fully develop and realize himself, to self-determinate professionally, socially, and personally.

This process has a high degree of flexibility. Modern additional education adapts to the needs of the target audience; it is independent in the selection of methods, forms, and teaching aids. It becomes possible to combine a high level of motivation for learning with effective methods of professional and personal learning.

Types of additional education

Let's consider the main types of additional education:

  • professional retraining, which implies the issuance of a state diploma;
  • short-term advanced training with obtaining a certificate for programs in the amount of 72-100 academic hours, as well as a certificate of retraining for programs of 100-500 hours;
  • courses, seminars, trainings, master classes that require the issuance of a certificate.

All types of additional education are associated with obtaining additional information on educational programs that provide for the study of specific disciplines, departments of science, and technologies that are necessary for the high-quality implementation of new qualification requirements.

Features of the educational process

Various forms of additional education have been developed by the country’s Ministry of Education in the form of a convenient, fast, inexpensive option for obtaining a second education and mastering a new specialty.

They differ significantly from the second higher education in terms of duration of study. Continuing education courses require a short period of study, they are filled with specific subjects that are close to practice, and they are significantly lower in cost.

After completing the course, you can count on a state diploma of professional retraining, which gives its owner greater competitiveness in the modern labor market.

The property of this document is such that the additional specialty is equal to the main specialty and gives the right to engage in a specific type of activity.

Training Options

Advanced training is an option for professional training of specialists, the purpose of which is for students to review best practices for career advancement.

Let's consider the types of additional education:

  • short-term, the duration of which does not exceed 72 hours;
  • problem or theoretical seminars in the range of 72-100 hours;
  • long-term training (from 100 hours).

Completion of additional training

Students who successfully complete the course can expect to receive one of the following government-issued documents:

  • for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in problem-based and thematic seminars in the amount of 72-100 hours;
  • certificate of advanced training for persons who have completed training for 72-100 hours.

Specifics of seminars and trainings

Continuing education courses involve an active and intensive form of learning. Seminars and trainings are attended by adults who are aimed at practical mastery of the techniques for using a particular technology. This form is characterized by the activity of the participants in the classes, maximum attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills.

At seminars and trainings, the learning process is carried out in the mode of specific actions, analysis of acquired experience, feedback from students, which allows you to analyze your strategies and methods with other people, and learn certain lessons.

Intellectual and mental nourishment of knowledge, giving impetus to different ideas, will increase the professional level.

Within the framework of seminars and trainings, additional education technologies are used, which allow students to fully master ways of thinking and behavior patterns, get acquainted with innovations in various professional fields, discover internal resources, and exchange experiences.

Master classes are conducted by experts who are specialists in a particular field. They are able not only to share their experience, but also to help listeners find ways to eliminate errors that arise. The master class ends with the issuance of certificates to all participants. The sociocultural situation that currently exists in our country is characterized by information saturation, various educational opportunities for different segments of the population, including traditional additional education.

Additional education for children

Currently, there are various types of additional education institutions designed for the development and education of children of preschool and school age.

In addition to studying at school, children can attend various sections and clubs offered at the Moscow Center for Educational Education. This budgetary additional education provides children with a free opportunity for development and self-improvement. In any city in Russia there are centers where children learn choreography, performing arts, and master the technology of knitting and sewing.

A municipal budgetary institution of additional education helps to improve a person’s cultural and educational level and allows children to deepen their knowledge in a specific area.

Recently, professional continuing education has become popular: school - university - postgraduate training - postgraduate training. Such a scheme is achieved with the help of the tools available to the field of additional education.


A distinctive feature of additional education is the fact that those institutions that offer citizens of our country to improve their professional level use training courses whose volume does not exceed 1000 hours.

This is an excellent start for the economic and professional growth of the younger generation, who have not yet decided on their main specialty.

Responsibility of the preschool educational institution

In addition to educational services, organizations that provide additional training services are responsible for:

  • patriotic, spiritual, labor education of the younger generation;
  • vocational guidance for teenagers;
  • formation of children's creative potential;
  • organization of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren;
  • retraining, advanced training, internship of specialists;
  • acquisition of new knowledge, development of professionalism in a specific field of activity.

Forms of training

Currently in Russia, additional education exists in the following forms:

  • full-time (daytime, evening, weekend);
  • remote;
  • correspondence

Creative associations. These organizations are created for individual personal growth, the development of children, and the formation of moral and spiritual values ​​in them. Children are united into groups based on their interests and are trained according to a special program. For example, research clubs are created within public schools. Children attending classes receive theoretical knowledge necessary for carrying out research and design activities, conduct practical experiments and experiments, formalize them, and present the results at research conferences.

The Sunday lecture involves conducting an overview conversation on a specific issue. The audience at the lecture can be varied - from first-graders to the elderly.

The seminar assumes the form of educational and practical exercises, during which messages and reports prepared by specialists are discussed.

Conferences are pre-planned meetings by representatives of one educational institution aimed at discussing a specific issue. Currently there are different types of conferences:

  • video conference;
  • online;
  • business conference;
  • press conference;
  • echo conference;
  • conference call.

Structures of additional education within educational institutions

Among the elements are creative laboratories, electives, research centers, associations, and hobby centers.

This model is interesting because all groups function on the basis of a regular secondary school. Not only schoolchildren, but also their mentors and parents take an active part in creative expeditions, research laboratories, and interest groups.


As part of the optimization, additional education centers began to be combined with regular schools, libraries, and local history museums. What does such a symbiosis lead to? It becomes mutually beneficial for all structural divisions that are included in the “educational holding”. A powerful infrastructure is being created, which contributes to the formation of an excellent personnel and material base.

With the help of additional educational programs in domestic pedagogy, an individually differentiated approach to each child is carried out.

Additional professional training is becoming more and more popular every year, as it helps employees meet the demands of the employer.

Thanks to it, you can improve your professional knowledge and skills and obtain new qualifications. Such training is available to those who already have an education, students and schoolchildren. Some professions have professional standards, for example, teachers of additional education.

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About additional professional education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


About additional professional education

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and numerous requests received from educational organizations and training organizations that implement additional professional programs, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sends clarifications on the features of the legislative and regulatory legal support in the field of additional professional education.

Department Director
N.M. Zolotareva

Application. Explanations on legislative and regulatory support for additional professional education

Abbreviations used:

Federal Law N 273-FZ - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Procedure - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 20, 2013, registration N 29444);

DPO - additional vocational education;

DPP - additional professional programs.

Question 1. In the definitions of basic concepts (Article 2 of the Federal Law) subparagraph 3 - training, subparagraph 5 - qualifications, subparagraph 12 - professional education, a new concept of “competence” has appeared. What is its content?

Question 1. In the definitions of basic concepts (Article 2 of the Federal Law) subparagraph 3 - training, subparagraph 5 - qualifications, subparagraph 12 - professional education, a new concept of “competence” has appeared. What is its content?

Through the concept of “competence”, Federal Law N 273-FZ defines learning outcomes and also implies a description of qualifications using competencies.

The higher education system has already accumulated some experience in developing and implementing educational programs based on a competency-based approach, and now Federal Law N 273-FZ extends this practice to additional professional education.

You can get acquainted with the main aspects of the competency-based approach in education, including on the Internet, on the websites of the Research Center for Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists, the Federal State Institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development" and others.

Question 2. How should the implementation of additional educational programs be guided by a competency-based approach, and is this mandatory for short-term programs?

Question 2. How should the implementation of additional educational programs be guided by a competency-based approach, and is this mandatory for short-term programs?

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the advanced training program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competence necessary for professional activities, and (or) increasing the professional level within the framework of existing qualifications.

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ

The structure of the programs must indicate the planned result (clause 9 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 273-FZ), which is formulated in a competency-based form for all types of DS1, including short-term programs.

It is obvious that organizations implementing additional professional educational programs will need to develop their own regulatory and methodological support, which will demonstrate the implementation of the competency-based approach, including planning learning outcomes (formation of competency models), assessing the level of development of competencies among graduates, etc.

Question 3. In basic terms (Article 2 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ), a definition of an approximate basic educational program is given. Will approximate, standard additional professional programs be developed for use in the educational process?

Question 3. In basic terms () a definition of an approximate basic educational program is given. Will approximate, standard additional professional programs be developed for use in the educational process?

Educational programs are independently developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise provided by law (Part 5 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ).

Authorized federal government bodies, in cases established by Federal Law N 273-FZ, organize the development and approval of exemplary additional professional programs or standard additional professional programs, in accordance with which organizations carrying out educational activities develop appropriate additional professional programs (Part 14 of Article 12 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Standard and exemplary programs will be developed for the following cases established by Federal Law N 273-FZ:

Standard additional professional programs in the field of international road transport are approved by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of transport (Part 7 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Approximate additional professional programs in the field of defense and state security, ensuring law and order are developed and approved by the federal government body in whose interests vocational training or additional vocational education is carried out (Part 3 of Article 81 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Approximate additional professional programs for medical education and pharmaceutical education are developed and approved by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare (Part 3 of Article 82 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Typical basic professional training programs and standard additional professional programs in the field of training specialists for civil aviation personnel, ship crew members in accordance with international requirements, as well as in the field of training railway transport workers directly related to train traffic and shunting work, are approved by the federal executive body authorities exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of transport (Part 3 of Article 85 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

In order to provide methodological support for the implementation of Federal Law 273-FZ and the Procedure, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will present models of advanced training and professional retraining programs. Access to these resources will be free.

Question 4. Is the concept of “student” applicable in the system of additional professional education, along with the concept of “listener”?

Question 4. Is the concept of “student” applicable in the system of additional professional education, along with the concept of “listener”?

Listeners - persons mastering additional professional programs, persons mastering vocational training programs, as well as persons enrolled in preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher education (clause 8 of part 1 of article 33 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

A student is an individual who is mastering an educational program (Part 2 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ).

Thus, both concepts can be used in additional vocational education.

Question 5. The concept of “individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities” has appeared. Should they obtain a license to operate educational activities? Can they implement additional professional programs?

Question 5. The concept of “individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities” has appeared. Should they obtain a license to operate educational activities? Can they implement additional professional programs?

Individual entrepreneurs can carry out educational activities only in basic and additional general education programs and vocational training programs (Part 3 of Article 32 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ). Federal Law No. 273-FZ does not provide for the implementation of additional professional programs by individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities directly, that is, individually, have the right not to go through the licensing procedure for educational activities.

Question 6. Is the concept of “teaching worker” applicable to teachers of additional professional education?

Question 6. Is the concept of “teaching worker” applicable to teachers of additional professional education?

The concept of “teaching worker” applies to additional education teachers. In accordance with Part 21 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, a teaching worker is an individual who has an employment or official relationship with an organization carrying out educational activities and performs duties for training, educating students and (or) organizing educational activities;

Organizations carrying out educational activities to implement educational programs of higher education and additional professional programs provide for positions of teaching staff and researchers who are classified as scientific and pedagogical workers. Teaching staff belong to the teaching staff of these organizations (Part 1 of Article 50 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ)

Organizations providing training and individual entrepreneurs, their students, teaching staff employed in organizations providing training or individual entrepreneurs are subject to the rights, social guarantees, duties and responsibilities of educational organizations, students and teaching staff of such educational organizations ( Part 2 of Article 21 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2013 N 687 approved the nomenclature of positions for teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations.

Question 7. Federal Law N 273-FZ does not imply either federal state educational standards (FSES) or federal state requirements (FGT) in the field of additional vocational education. Clause 29 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 273-FZ defines...

Question 7. Federal Law N 273-FZ does not imply either federal state educational standards (FSES) or federal state requirements (FGT) in the field of additional vocational education. Paragraph 29 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 273-FZ defines the quality of education through compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the Federal State Standards. Does this mean that the quality of education is not determined in additional vocational education?

In accordance with paragraphs 21 -22 of the Procedure, assessment of the quality of additional professional education is carried out in relation to:

compliance of the results of mastering the additional professional program with the stated goals and planned learning outcomes;

compliance of the procedure (process) for organizing and implementing an additional professional program with the established requirements for the structure, procedure and conditions for the implementation of programs;

the organization’s ability to effectively and efficiently carry out activities to provide educational services.

Assessment of the quality of development of additional professional programs is carried out in the following forms:

internal monitoring of education quality;

external independent assessment of the quality of education.

The organization independently establishes the types and forms of internal assessment of the quality of the implementation of additional professional programs and their results.

Requirements for internal assessment of the quality of additional professional programs and the results of their implementation are approved in the manner prescribed by the educational organization.

Organizations on a voluntary basis can apply procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education, professional and public accreditation of additional professional programs and public accreditation of organizations.

Question 8. Is additional professional education an integral part of continuing education?

Question 8. Is additional professional education an integral part of continuing education?

According to Part 2 of Article 10 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuous education).

Part 6 of Article 10 of Federal Law N 273-FZ determines that additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

At the same time, the education system creates conditions for lifelong education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the opportunity to simultaneously master several educational programs, as well as taking into account existing education, qualifications, and practical experience when receiving education.

Thus, it can be unequivocally stated that additional vocational training belongs to lifelong education (Part 7 of Article 10 of Federal Law N 237-FZ*).
*Probably an error in the original. You should read "Federal Law No. 273-FZ". - Database manufacturer's note.

Question 9. Additional education includes additional adult education and additional vocational education. Is continuing vocational education additional education for adults?

Question 9. Additional education includes additional adult education and additional vocational education. Is continuing vocational education additional education for adults?

Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults, as well as additional vocational education (Part 6 of Article 10 of Federal Law N 273-FZ). Thus, additional vocational education is an independent subtype of additional education.

Question 10. Additional professional education programs include advanced training and professional retraining programs. Does Federal Law N 273-FZ establish the scope for these types of programs?

Question 10. Additional professional education programs include advanced training and professional retraining programs. Does Federal Law No. 273-FZ establish volume for these types of programs?

The volume of development of DPP is established by the Procedure. Clause 12 of the Procedure defines the minimum permissible volume of development of DPP. Thus, for advanced training programs, the completion period cannot be less than 16 hours, and the completion period for professional retraining programs cannot be less than 250 hours.

Question 11. Federal Law No. 273-FZ states that licensing of educational activities is carried out according to subtypes of additional education. What does this mean? What subtypes of additional education can be implemented by a professional?

Question 11. Q Federal Law N 273-FZ states that licensing of educational activities is carried out according to subtypes of additional education. What does this mean? What subtypes of additional education can professional educational organizations implement?

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 10 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

According to Part 4 of Article 23 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, professional educational organizations have the right to carry out educational activities in the following educational programs, the implementation of which is not the main goal of their activities - these are additional professional programs and additional general education programs.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 75 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, additional general education programs are divided into general developmental and pre-professional programs. Additional general developmental programs are implemented for both children and adults. Additional pre-professional programs in the fields of arts, physical education and sports are implemented for children.

Question 12. Part 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ provides for a network form of implementation of educational programs. Is this applicable to the system of additional professional education?

Question 12. Part 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ provides for a network form of implementation of educational programs. Is this applicable to the system of additional professional education?

The network form of implementation of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the network form) provides the opportunity for students to master an educational program using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations. In the implementation of educational programs using a network form, along with organizations carrying out educational activities, scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical education, sports and other organizations that have the resources necessary to carry out training, conduct educational and practical training and implement other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program (Part 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

This article provides a network form for the implementation of any type of educational programs, including programs of additional professional education.

Question 13. Is it possible to use e-learning and distance learning technologies in educational organizations of additional professional education?

Question 13. Is it possible to use e-learning and distance learning technologies in educational organizations of additional professional education?

The use of e-learning and distance educational technologies (hereinafter referred to as DET) in additional vocational education institutions is possible if conditions have been created in additional vocational education organizations that meet the requirements of Article 16 of Federal Law N 273-FZ.

At the same time, organizations carrying out educational activities have the right to use e-learning and DET in the implementation of educational programs in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

Question 14. Can the library collection of an educational organization of additional professional education be equipped only with electronic educational publications?

Question 14. Can the library collection of an educational organization of additional professional education be equipped only with electronic educational publications?

In accordance with Federal Law N 273-FZ, in order to ensure the implementation of educational programs, libraries are formed in organizations engaged in educational activities, including digital (electronic) libraries that provide access to professional databases, information reference and search systems, as well as other information resources.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 18 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the library collection must be equipped with printed and (or) electronic educational publications (including textbooks and teaching aids).

Question 15. If additional professional education is an integral part of additional education, then can an additional education organization conduct educational activities according to the DPP, and an additional professional education organization

Question 15. If additional vocational education is an integral part of additional education, then can an organization of additional education conduct educational activities according to DPP, and an organization of additional vocational education - according to additional general education programs?

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 23 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the following types of educational organizations implementing additional educational programs are established in the Russian Federation:

1) organization of additional education - an educational organization that carries out educational activities in additional general education programs as the main goal of its activities;

2) organization of additional professional education - an educational organization that carries out educational activities in additional professional programs as the main goal of its activities.

Educational organizations of additional education have the right to carry out educational activities according to the following educational programs, the implementation of which is not their main goal: educational programs of preschool education, vocational training programs ().

Educational organizations of additional professional education, in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 4 of Article 23 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, can also implement training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, additional general education programs, and vocational training programs.

Question 16. Is it possible to involve persons who do not have academic degrees and titles in the educational process in organizations of additional professional education?

Question 16. Is it possible to involve persons who do not have academic degrees and titles in the educational process in organizations of additional professional education?

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 46 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the right to engage in teaching activities is granted to persons who meet the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards. Thus, persons who do not have academic degrees and titles can participate in the educational process of additional professional education organizations.

For the position of "teacher" by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education" the following qualifications are established requirements: higher professional education and work experience in an educational institution of at least 1 year, in the presence of postgraduate professional education (graduate studies, residency, postgraduate studies) or an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences - without presenting requirements for work experience.

Question 17. Is state accreditation required for additional professional programs?

Question 17. Is state accreditation required for additional professional programs?

Federal Law No. 273-FZ does not provide for state accreditation of educational activities in additional professional programs. In accordance with Part 8 of Article 108 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, from the date it comes into force, certificates of state accreditation in terms of additional professional educational programs with state accreditation are considered invalid for all educational organizations.

Question 18. What are the features of licensing of DNO programs in connection with the entry into force of Federal Law N 273-FZ?

Question 18. What are the features of licensing VNO programs in connection with the implementation Federal Law N 273-FZ?

In connection with the entry into force of Federal Law N 273-FZ, all educational organizations will change their license, and corresponding changes must be made to the annexes to the license. The content of the Law (Part 1 of Article 91; subparagraph 5 of part 5 of Article 108, part 7 of Article 108) states that after its adoption, educational organizations operate on the basis of licenses issued previously taking into account the norms of the new Law.

Part 4 of Article 91 of Federal Law N 273-FZ stipulates that the annex to the license to carry out educational activities in additional professional programs will indicate only the subtype of additional education (in this case, additional vocational education) without providing the entire list of additional professional programs being implemented. Also, for additional professional education, the requirement to indicate in the annex to the license information about the addresses of the places of educational activities is excluded.

Question 19. How will the content of additional professional programs be determined?

Question 19. How will the content of additional professional programs be determined?

The content of the additional professional program is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established, taking into account the needs of the person or organization on whose initiative additional professional education is carried out (Part 6 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

At the same time, organizations carrying out educational activities in additional professional programs should be guided by the following when developing them.

The content of additional professional programs must take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform job duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other legal regulations acts of the Russian Federation on public service.

In addition, Part 10 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ provides that professional retraining programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs.

Question 20. What are the requirements for the structure of DAYS?

Question 20. What are the requirements for the structure of DAYS?

Requirements for the structure of additional professional educational programs are determined by Federal Law N 273-FZ and the Procedure. The structure of an additional professional program includes the goal, planned learning outcomes, curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), organizational and pedagogical conditions, certification forms, assessment materials and other components (Part 9 of Article 2 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ). The curriculum of the additional professional program determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other types of educational activities of students and certification forms (clause 9 of the Procedure).

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Procedure: the structure of the advanced training program must contain a description of the list of professional competencies within the framework of the existing qualifications, the qualitative change of which is carried out as a result of training.

The structure of the professional retraining program should include:

characteristics of the new qualification and related types of professional activities, job functions and (or) skill levels;

characteristics of competencies to be improved and (or) a list of new competencies formed as a result of mastering the program.

Question 21. What is the status of the internship in the field of further education?

Question 21. What is the status of the internship in the field of further education?

In Federal Law N 273-FZ, internship is identified as a form of implementation of additional professional programs, and not a separate type of additional professional educational program.

According to Part 12 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, an additional professional program can be implemented in the forms provided for by Federal Law N 273-FZ, as well as fully or partially in the form of an internship.

Clause 13 of the Procedure describes this form of implementation of the DPP; the content of the internship is determined by the organization, taking into account the proposals of the organizations sending specialists for the internship, the content of additional professional programs.

The duration of the internship is determined by the organization, independently based on the learning objectives. The duration of the internship is agreed upon with the head of the organization where it is conducted.

The internship is individual or group in nature and may include activities such as:

independent work with educational publications;

acquisition of professional and organizational skills;

studying the organization and technology of production and work;

direct participation in planning the organization’s work;

work with technical, regulatory and other documentation;

performing the functional duties of officials (as an acting or understudy);

participation in meetings and business meetings.

Based on the results of the internship, the student is issued a qualification document depending on the additional professional program being implemented.

Question 22. What are the requirements for documents that are issued upon completion of additional professional programs?

Question 22. What are the requirements for documents that are issued upon completion of additional professional programs?

General requirements for qualification documents are established in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of Federal Law N 273-FZ.

Qualification documents are drawn up in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 N 1807-1 “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, and are certified by the seals of organizations carrying out educational activities.

Qualification documents can also be drawn up in a foreign language in the manner established by organizations engaged in educational activities.

Based on the results of mastering additional professional programs, a qualification document is issued, a sample of which is independently established by organizations carrying out educational activities.

Clause 1 of Part 10 of Article 60 of Federal Law N 273-FZ determines that a qualification document confirms an increase or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining).

In accordance with paragraph 19 of the Procedure, the qualification document is issued on a form that is a counterfeit-proof printed product, a sample of which is independently established by the organization.

Question 23. Who establishes the procedure for approving forms of qualification documents?

Question 23. Who establishes the procedure for approving forms of qualification documents?

An educational institution develops a procedure for approving forms of qualification documents independently and consolidates this procedure with a local act of the organization.

Question 24. Will it remain possible to issue certificates after September 1, 2013?

In accordance with Part 15 of Article 60 of Federal Law N 273-FZ...* persons who have completed educational programs for which final certification is not provided, documents on training according to the model and in the manner established by these organizations independently.


Question 25. Does the organization have the right to enroll in advanced training and issue a certificate of advanced training to students with secondary general or primary vocational education from September 1, 2013?

Question 25. Does the organization have the right to enroll in advanced training and issue a certificate of advanced training to students with secondary general or primary vocational education from September 1, 2013?

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the following are allowed to master additional professional programs:

1) persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

2) persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Thus, the admission of students for training in DPP with secondary general education is not allowed, with the exception of persons studying in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Question 26. Are there advanced training programs that, from September 1, 2013, will require approval from ministries and departments? Will there be a register of such programs?

Question 26. Are there advanced training programs that, from September 1, 2013, will require approval from ministries and departments? Will there be a register of such programs?

Coordination with ministries and departments will require additional professional programs containing information constituting state secrets, as well as additional professional programs in the field of information security.

According to Part 8 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the procedure for developing additional professional programs containing information constituting state secrets and additional professional programs in the field of information security is established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in in the field of education, in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information.

Question 27. What documents are required for admission to further education programs for persons from near and far abroad?

Question 27. What documents are required for admission to further education programs for persons from near and far abroad?

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 78 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive education in the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 273-FZ.

1) If an applicant has a document from an educational institution listed within the framework of Government Order No. 1624-r dated September 19, 2013, then he is accepted on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation.

2) Foreign citizens who are compatriots living abroad have the right to receive secondary vocational education, higher education and additional vocational education on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to their compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 N 99- Federal Law "On the state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad" (Part 4 of Article 78 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ).

3) Interstate agreements signed by the Russian Federation and the former republics of the USSR may be taken into account.

Documents on foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications recognized in the Russian Federation must be legalized in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and translated into Russian, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation (Part 13 of Article 107 of Federal Law N 273-FZ ).

Question 28. What seal is used to certify documents based on the results of mastering the DPT?

Question 28. What seal is used to certify documents based on the results of mastering the DPT?

From September 1, 2013, persons who have successfully completed the relevant additional professional program and passed the final certification are issued a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining (Part 16 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ).

The document, which is issued based on the results of mastering the DPP, is certified by the seal of the educational organization, which is enshrined in the organization’s Charter.

Question 29. Is there a difference in the documents that are issued based on the results of completing professional retraining programs that allow you to carry out a new type of professional activity and confirm the assignment of a new qualification?

Question 29. Is there a difference in the documents that are issued based on the results of completing professional retraining programs that allow you to carry out a new type of professional activity and confirm the assignment of a new qualification?

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 76 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, the professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity and acquiring new qualifications.

Considering that the form of the qualification document (professional retraining diploma) is determined by the organization independently, various options for sample documents can be determined that use different recording options:

assignment of a new qualification (indication of the name of the qualification);

assignment of a new qualification (indication of the name of the qualification) and performance of a new type of professional activity (indication of a new type of professional activity);

performing a new type of professional activity (indicating a new type of professional activity) within the framework of previously existing qualifications.

The organization independently decides on the formalization of entries in professional retraining diplomas.

Question 30. By what sign or principle can one determine that a professional retraining program is being implemented or developed as part of the main educational program?

Question 30. By what sign or principle can one determine that a professional retraining program is being implemented or developed as part of the main educational program?

Such a sign is the presence of learning outcomes under professional retraining programs, which correlate with learning outcomes (competencies) formulated in the federal state educational standards of vocational education and (or) basic educational programs of vocational education and are aimed at acquiring new qualifications.

Question 31: What is the difference between “e-learning” and “distance educational technologies”?

Question 31: What is the difference between “e-learning” and “distance educational technologies”?

According to Part 1 of Article 16 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, e-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure transmission along the lines of communication of the specified information, interaction between students and teaching staff.

Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teaching staff.

E-learning does not require interaction between students and teachers.

Question 32. How, within the framework of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs,” additional professional programs can be implemented

Question 32. How within Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs" can additional professional programs be implemented based on network interaction at the request of state and municipal customers?

The customer can indicate in the technical specifications that the program is implemented in a network form. The contractor encloses with the application an agreement on joint activities of educational and other organizations. According to Part 3 of Article 16 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, the agreement on the network form of implementation of educational programs specifies:

1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of an educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using a network form;

2) the status of students in the organizations specified in part 1 of this article*, the rules for admission to study in an educational program implemented using an online form, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students (for students in basic professional educational programs) mastering an educational program implemented with using a network form;

* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

3) the conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities under an educational program implemented through a network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between the organizations specified in part 1 of this article*, the procedure for implementing the educational program, the nature and volume of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through an online form;

* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

4) issued document or documents on education and (or) qualifications, document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents;

5) the duration of the agreement, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

Please note that on January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs” comes into force, according to which it is no longer in force Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs."

Question 33. What is the mechanism for creating organizations that carry out professional, public and public accreditation?

Question 33. What is the mechanism for creating organizations that carry out professional, public and public accreditation?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 286 of March 30, 2013 “On the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services” created a legal basis for the organization of public-state councils, which will have the authority to create accreditation agencies in various areas.

The rules approved by this Government Resolution determine the procedure for the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, carried out with the participation and based on the opinions of public organizations, professional communities, the media, specialized rating agencies and other experts in order to improve the quality of the work of these organizations.

Question 34. Is it planned to develop professional standards in the field of education?

Question 34. Is it planned to develop professional standards in the field of education?

The order to approve at least 800 professional standards was given in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 N 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy.”

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2012 N 2204-r, a plan for the development of professional standards for 2012-2015 was approved.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved the Schedule for the development of professional standards for 2013-2014 (dated July 9, 2013 N DL-14/06), including ....* professional standards in the field of education and science:

*The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher);

specialist in the field of education (activities for social and pedagogical support of students);

teacher (teaching activities in vocational education, additional vocational education, additional education);

specialist in the field of educational psychology (activities for psychological and pedagogical support of students);

head of an educational organization (education management);

head of a scientific organization (research management);

scientist (scientific (research) activity).

Question 35. What is the mechanism for reimbursement of costs to educational organizations for training discharged military personnel as part of the experiment in 2012-2014?

Question 35. What is the mechanism for reimbursement of costs to educational organizations for training discharged military personnel as part of the experiment in 2012-2014?

The regulation on conducting an experiment in 2012-2014 to train retired military personnel based on the provision of state registered educational certificates was approved (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation

Part 9 of the Regulations establishes that reimbursement of expenses of educational institutions within the framework of the experiment is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the amount of standard costs for the provision of educational services provided by educational institutions within the framework of the experiment for professional retraining programs on the basis of secondary vocational and on the basis of higher professional education by providing subsidies from the federal budget to budgetary and autonomous institutions for these purposes in accordance with paragraph two of part 1 of Article 78_1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

If the cost of training for a professional retraining program exceeds the standard costs for the provision of educational services provided by educational institutions within the framework of the experiment under professional retraining programs on the basis of secondary vocational and higher professional education, the cost of training in excess of the standard costs is reimbursed at the expense of the certificate holder and (or) other individual (legal) person in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 12 of the Regulations).

Question 36: How is the selection of discharged military personnel carried out as part of the experiment in 2012-2014?

Question 36: How is the selection of discharged military personnel carried out as part of the experiment in 2012-2014?

The regulation on conducting the experiment in 2012-2014 was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2012 N 501 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) and came into force on June 5, 2012. In accordance with this resolution, it is necessary to ensure the creation of conditions for the training of at least 2,000 discharged military personnel during the experiment.

The selection of discharged military personnel to participate in the experiment on training discharged military personnel based on the provision of state registered educational certificates is carried out in the manner and in accordance with the criteria established by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service of Russia, from among military personnel serving under contract , in respect of which the following requirements are simultaneously met:

the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 5 years or more, not counting the time of study in military educational institutions of higher professional and (or) secondary vocational education;

the discharged serviceman has a higher professional or secondary vocational education;

dismissal from military service on grounds including reaching the age limit for military service, expiration of the contract, as well as for health reasons and organizational and staffing measures.

In accordance with Part 2 of the Regulations, a certificate is understood as a personal document confirming the right of its owner to additional measures of state support in terms of payment for his training in an additional professional educational program of professional retraining (hereinafter referred to as the professional retraining program).

The certificate is issued to a discharged serviceman if he is excluded from the lists of personnel of a governing body, military unit, ship, institution, organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in the manner established by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service of Russia, respectively (Part 3 of the Regulations).

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as of 11/01/2013

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Center for additional professional education MASPC

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is ready to help you with this. We provide comprehensive services for additional vocational education in Russia, which includes more than 700 original educational programs covering all key sectors. All methods and educational materials of the Academy were developed by a team of competent professionals together with leading specialists from RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU. Bauman, MGSU. They are constantly updated and adjusted to take into account changes in current legislation. Tens of thousands of satisfied clients from all regions of Russia annually receive additional professional education at our Academy.

ANO DPO MASPC is a certified organization of additional professional education, the right to conduct educational activities is confirmed by license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014.

Curricula and course structure

Courses at MASPC are held in various formats. This may be the traditional face-to-face option, when you personally attend classes at the Academy. A distance learning format using unique distance education technologies is also available. In the second case, you will be provided with a personal manager completely free of charge, who will help you create an individual training schedule taking into account your main workload. In addition, he will provide support at every stage of training. To successfully complete the course, you only need a computer with Internet access and

All training programs were developed at MASPC and have a well-thought-out structure for presenting the necessary educational material for a comprehensive and consistent study of current issues in this profession. The content and scope of the courses fully meets the qualification requirements and professional standards established in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Please note that only citizens who have already completed secondary or higher professional education, confirmed by the presence of valid diplomas, can study at MASPC.

Upon completion of the courses, you receive all the necessary documents of the established form, giving the right to conduct professional activities in the chosen field and confirming your professional suitability.

By choosing ANO DPO MASPC, you get:

  • More than 420 professional retraining and advanced training programs;
  • Comfortable prices. Your capabilities are our priority;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff and unique teaching methods;
  • The opportunity to study remotely, without interruption from family and work (distance education);
  • Impeccable service. Constant support of a personal manager;
  • Individual training schedule;
  • Modern material and technical base;
  • Free consultations and assistance at all stages of training.

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